Hawthorne’s romanticism
Poe’s Gothicism
Inspired by a Bob Dylan song- “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue”
Connie- is she dynamic character? Why or why not?
Connie at Home- mom always comparing her to her older sister, say mom and sister are just jealous of her, resentful of the family but in the end she sacrifices herself for them
Connie when out with friends
Why does she go with Arnold Friend?
Real- real people and real situation
Fantastic- Arnold Friend –devil, at the end dream-like
How does he convince Connie to go with him? Threatens her family
Symbolic of the Devil Why?
“An old fiend”
Cannot go in Connie’s house
Power of persuasion, knowledge of Connie, music
Woman Hollering Creek, Cinerous
Characterize Cleofilas- naïve and ignorant, doesn’t know about the culture in the U.S. doesn’t realize the opportunities in the U.S. like the woman driving the truck
What is significance of the title? Urban legend that surrounds the creek, the La Chusa-lady who lost her child.
Important elements to consider?
-“A regular soap opera”
Interesting points of comparison/contrast to other stories?
“Diary of an Interesting Year” Helen Simpson
Year 2040, from England, result was from global warming, weather is all messed up
Post apocalyptic (the world is still here but different from the world as we know it), Dystopian- opposite of utopia
Narrator, 30 years old, desperate woman trying to survive
Political, economic, and social commentary * Anti-capitalist * Dangers of global warming * Status/role of women- in order to have protection have to put up with a lot, woman completely went down to the lowest level, the foreigner after he kills G. abuses the narrator and its so bad she can barely talk about, * She tried so hard to stop the pregnancy because she doesn’t want to bring that child into the world and because of how it happened *