English Language AP
Dialectical Journals
Passage/Quotes from Text
Page #/¶
1. "The priest was blessed with a long, incriminating finger, which he used to point out sinners in public, and tongue schooled in arousing emotions."
Pg 2 /¶2
(C) As I continued reading on how the priest was to spot the sins his fellow community has committed, it kind of surprised me. My priest could probably tell the people who sin from the guilt that appears in their face but the priest in the novel was able to judge his community easily.
2. "At birth Rosa...with green hair"
"I would never find another woman with her green hair and underwater beauty."
Pg 4 /¶1
Pg 35 /¶1
(E) Throughout the novel, the author Isabel Allende, …show more content…
keeps mention the color green. The color green also appears in the ocean. So far Green is a color of hope, strength, and longevity which is shown through Rosa's hair.
"It made no difference if they studied medicine or had the right to vote, because they would not have the strength to do it,"
"It was the custom then for women and children not to attend funerals, which were considered a male province."
Pg 6 /¶2
Pg 34 /¶2
(C) The women in this novel are dependent on men to handle political and economical duties. Today there are some countries were they prohibit women from attending certain events or doing certain tasks. In the novel, they demonstrate that females don't have certain power and that men do obtain. For example. in India and some countries in Africa , it's the female's task to stay at home and take care the children or not even attend school.
4. " I set my curse on you Estaban? You will always be alone! Your body and soul will shrivel up and you'll die like a dog!"- Ferula
Pg132 /¶2
(P)When Estaban told Ferula to leave the household, she shouts angrily at Estaban. Although, Ferula cursed Estaban, in this novel premonitions and curses represent a magical feature and is seen as a natural power. Estaban will most likely end up being alone or not have any human contact or seen invisible to others.
5. "She was a charitable and generous woman, eager to make those around her …show more content…
Pg178 /¶1
(C) My grandmother always puts others happiness before her and even though she is poor, she helps others in her community who have less than her.
6. "She had decided to forget the man she had married and act as if he had never existed... Clara, who had spent nine years without speaking, knew the advantages of silence and asked her daughter nothing, joining in her efforts to erase all memory of Jean de Satigny.
Pg265 /¶1
(E) The author shows that speech is another way the character may hold on to memory, by repeating stories the memories remain real. So by not by not repeating stories is a way of willfully erasing the event from memory.
7. "...as soon as the old man entered the room, the plant lowered its leaves and began to exude a whitish fluid, like tears of milk, from its stem."
(C) Usually when a plant dies suddenly or sulks, its due to the negative energy around it. Usually in movies or in cartoons the plant dies down because a bad person walked in and/or indicates something wrong
8. "Before I had always felt like a giant next to her, but when I lay down next to her on the bed I saw that we were almost the same size.”
(E) An imagery is presented in comparing the physical size of Clara and Estaban but the author compares them through the eyes of Estaban to show his realization of Clara's powerful feminine character.
9. " I came to tell you to be careful, child." "Death is at your heels"- Luisa Mora
Pg365 / ¶3
(P) Luisa was sent by Alba's grandmother Clara, whose known for seeing the future. Therefore, if Clara is sending a warning about Alba's future then Alba is most likely to be held in captivity or even worse.
10. "Clara also brought the saving idea of writing in her mind, without paper or pencil, to keep her thoughts from the doghouse and live."
(E) During Alba's imprisonment, writing is not just a way of remembering the past but a technique of survival. Her thoughts helped her survive and escape.