With a grim fate and a hopeful heart, Jocasta commits the act of infanticide that is the start of the prophecy. Jocasta and her late husband are taking part in this unforgivable act against humanity due to a prophecy which not only damns the couple’s lives but their child’s life …show more content…
Subsequently, she is slamming the word of the God’s in the climax of the play because she does not yet realize the truth behind her happiness. Thereafter, she in enlightened to the fact that she has created her own despair and that the God’s words were true. Successively she starts talking to Apollo, who is the God of truth and wisdom, to be enlightened as to why her doom is happening. She promptly ends her conversation with Apollo and runs into the palace to end her foreordination by hanging herself with the bedsheets of her sins.
In whole, the story of Oedipus the King was a trying story of the human condition and the anthropological fact of human blindness to their own destruction. Personally, I enjoyed the tragic play. I think that is an accurate, yet slightly dramatic, depiction of the things that people in a society will do to save themselves. I think that in every person there is a problem they are ignoring or trying their hardest to run from; but in reality, it is always the problem they are running from that is their