Chapter One: Sociology is the scientific study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior
Humans are social by nature
Environment affects us (dad)
Individual beliefs derive from social groups
Ind can shape groups but groups provide rules and expectations for individuals
To survive groups must adapt to changes in social and physical environment
Conflict between traditional and new ideas (globalization in India) Common sense : never really questioned and seem to be sensible to any reasonable person
Many common sense notions are contradictory
All accurate at some point some place and about some things
Many commonsense beliefs are challenged by social scientific evidence
Sociology lets us figure out how accurate our common sense assumptions are Sociological perspective: we can understand our personal problems by looking at bigger picture (almost like blaming the society for ur standing)
C wright millsssss: sociological imagination (CORE ORGANZING THEME) : this relationship between individual experiences and public issues
EX. DOWNSIZING COMPANIES > UNEMPLOYMENT > STRESS > FAILED MARRIAGE SOCIOLOGISTS study issues that can be studied objectively and scientifically that those that are judgmental or value based… not whether or not god exists but how believing in him will affect a group WHY STUDY SOCIOLOGY: self-awareness which can improve ones life
Challenges to look beyond individual explanations
Helps solve problems
Understanding of diverse cultural perspectives and how cultural differences are related to behavioral problems.
Assess impact of social policies
Reveals complexities of social life
Useful skills in interpersonal relations critical thinking data collection and analysis problem solving and decision making Social world model me (and my inner circle)
Micro: local organizations and