TBS group is a Taiwan corporation which is famous for manufacturing sport goods. Managers are empowered by TBS to make determinations, thus their achievements of response and efficiency to market changes are greater. Moreover, employees are trained to have knowledge about products to service the customers better.
5 in 1 – game table which style number is TBSB 226 and size 49” x 26” x 31” is one of the best selling products of TBS. It is deluxe designed with a pool table which converts not only a push hockey and checker but also table tennis game and backgammon games. In addition, this product is suitable for all ages because of its solid and strong constructions. Furthermore, all games also include enough playing accessories (Tbs group, n.d).
Market attractiveness of host country.
Belgium is a country which has many differences with Taiwan in terms of culture, society, economic, politic and legal. This country is in Western Europe and the headquarters of the European Union as well as several other major international organizations, such as NATO, are located here. Although Taiwan’s area is just little smaller than Belgium (35.980 and 30.528 square kilometers), the number of Taiwan’s population is over double Belgium’s (23.037 and 10.73 million people) (CIA, 2012). Let us to find out about some sections involving cultural, social, political, legal and economic environments of Belgium to have a more detailed look about market attractiveness of host country.
Cultural Environment
Every country has a private culture, and “culture consists of many components that interrelate with another” (Kotabe & Helsen, 2010, p.118). There are many factor relate to cultural environment of Belgium including material life, language, aesthetics, religion, education and value systems.
Material life
The life quality of Belgian people is better compared to the Taiwanese. The health care service is also better and the cost for one person who visits to the doctor is 22€
References: Eva, J., Belgium (EU) (n.d), Esdaw, Retrieved on 02 January 2013 from http://www.esdaw.eu/belgiumeu.htm Kotabe, M. and Helsen, K. (2010) Global Marketing Management, 5th Edition, (International Student Version) John Wiley & Sons Mladen, A., (2009), Cost of living in Belgium (2013), Numbeo, Retrieved on 02 January 2013 from http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Belgium Mladen, A., (2009), Cost of living in Taiwan (2013), Numbeo, Retrieved on 02 January 2013 from http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Taiwan Product, (n.d), Tbs group, Retrieved on 01 January 2013 from http://www.tbsgroup.com.tw/en/Web/product/product_detail.asp?__condition_category_id=106&__condition_product_id=TBSB-225/TBSB-226 The World Factbook (2012), CIA, Retrieved on 03 January 2013 from https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/be.html The World Factbook (2012), CIA, Retrieved on 03 January 2013 from https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ta.html