Structured Programming is a method of planning programs that avoids the branching category of control structures.
structured programming: A technique for organizing and coding computer programs in which a hierarchy of modules is used, each having a single entry and a single exit point, and in which control is passed downward through the structure without unconditional branches to higher levels of the structure. Three types of control flow are used: sequential, test or selection, and iteration.
Software engineering is a discipline that is concerned with the construction of robust and reliable computer programs. Just as civil engineers will use tried and tested methods for the construction of buildings, software engineers will use accepted methods for analysing a problem to be solved, a blueprint or plan for the design of the solution and a construction method that minimises the risk of error. The discipline has evolved as the use of computers has spread. In particular, it has tackled issues that have arisen as a result of some catastrophic failures of software projects involving teams of programmers writing thousands of lines of program code. Just as civil engineers have learned from their failures so have software engineers.
- Make flow of control as easily understood as possible. (Emphasis on use of Control Structures). - Build your program from top-down. Decompose the problem into smaller and smaller pieces. (Top down development (Modularization)) - Avoid repeating the same code, can fix code in one place.
The top-down approach design was based on the following method:
■ To solve a large problem, break the problem into several pieces and work on each piece separately; ■ to solve each piece, treat it as a new problem that can itself be broken down into smaller problems; ■ repeat the process with each