The topic I have been studying is abortion. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks from the date of conception. There are two main views on abortion held by two different groups, the pro-life and the pro-choice supporters. The pro-choice supporters hold the view that women should be able to have the choice if and when they have an abortion. Whereas the pro-life supporters believe that human life begins at conception and that killing potential human life is wrong. Abortion was legalised in the United Kingdom in 1967 when the abortion act was passed by parliament; but this was revised in 1990 and the legal time frame for abortion was lowered to 24 weeks.
The sanctity of life
The sanctity of life argument holds the view that all life is of value, is holy and belongs to God. Christianity teaches that every person is a sacred child of God, made in his image. This contrasts with an atheistic position which points to the similarities between humans and other primates. This view underpins Christian responses to medical issues such as Abortion and Euthanasia.
The sanctity of life principle is based on 3 main sources:
Natural theology
Natural Law asks what our design or purpose is as humans. One of the main concepts is to protect and preserve the innocent. This alone leads to the secondary concept (do not carry out abortions). Thomas Aquinas a respected philosopher developed his view of the sanctity of life using the idea of reason as well as the content of the bible. He observed that as the world is so complex, intricate and ordered, it must have a creator, that creator is God. Alongside his theology, he created five primary precepts (fixed moral rules) that should be followed in order to please and satisfy God. Aquinas believed that all life is sacred and therefor one of the five rules he created was to preserve life; suggesting that abortion is wrong and should not be used