i. Executive summary (pg.1)
ii. Introduction (pg.1)
iii. Report (pg.1-2)
iv. Fraud (pg.2-3)
v. Legislation (pg.3)
vi. Recommendation (pg.4)
vii. Bibliography (pg.5)
Executive Summary
In this report I will look into the benefits and risk of e-commerce, the types of legislation that have been introduced to protect the consumer and business alike. At the end of this report I plan to give my recommendation as whether I believe you should venture into e-business and set up your own online business. I will try and remain un-bias and give my opinion whilst give a fair account of the risks and benefits of e-business.
For this report I have to assume the role of a consultant who specializes in internet security. I am a consultant and also a member of the (BSC) British Computer Society. I have been asked by the managing director of a medium sized chain of high street shops to give advice on the desirability of e-business and specifically report on on-line payments and personal data security.
The managing director is rather worried after hearing adverse reports that internet fraud is rife. I intend to rid him of this perception whilst doing my utmost to supply him with a rounded, unbiased approach to the benefits and risks of developing an e-Business. I also intend to outline the various different types and options of on-line payments systems and data security available. Once I make him aware of the various benefits and risks of e-Business, the different types of data and online payment methods available I intend to give my own recommendation with regards to the course of action I believe would best suit his company and would lead them to achieving the safest, best possible outcome.
E-Business has now received world wide recognition as a business tool, which if utilized properly, enables companies to enhance their profitability, exploit potential
Bibliography: i. http://www.thewhir.com/features/security-spending.cfm ii. http://www.e-businessguide.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/1003/e-businessguide_getting_started_booklet.pdf iii. https://www.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=xpt/cps/general/PBPInfo-outside iv. http://www.compactlaw.co.uk/free_legal_articles/distance_selling_regs_2000.html v. http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/univ/information/dpa/ vi. http://www.tdi.state.tx.us/fraud/artwork/frreportsreceiv.gif vii. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3707290.stm