MKTG 2201 Fall 2014, Section 1, 4:35-5:40 pm
022 International VillageINSTRUCTOR: Jeffrey Sieloff
OFFICE: 202 Hayden Hall
HOURS: 3-4pm M,W,Th and by appointment
PHONE: 617-283-3102
EMAIL: PREREQUISITES:UG ACCT 1201 [can be taking concurrently] and Sophomore standing.
Introduction to Marketing [MKTG 2201Custom Edition]. Note that purchasing the paper edition also gives you an access code to the online edition. The custom text is a combination of Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, 7th Ed. By Solomon, Marshall and Stuart and Marketing, An Introduction,11th Ed. by Armstrong and Kotler. ISBN 10: 1-256-76448-5 …show more content…
ISBN 13: 978-1-256-76448-9
Web Marketplace Business simulation: Introduction to Marketing Purchase online during the fourth week of class.
The purpose of this class is to provide an introduction and overview to the basic concepts used today in Marketing. You will apply the text and class knowledge through exercises, written assignments, presentations and/or projects. We will explore how marketing can be useful in our everyday lives, making us more knowledgeable consumers. In keeping with Northeastern's Practice-Oriented Mission, our focus will be on “real world” examples and applications. We will focus on how people and organizations create value for one another through exchanges – i.e., through marketing
The goals of this course are:
To gain exposure to fundamental marketing concepts, theories, principles and terminology of marketing.
To identify the role of marketing in business organizations and in the global marketplace
To function as a more informed consumer by recognizing the marketing forces at work in the consumer purchase decision …show more content…
To assess the impact of macro-environmental forces (e.g., social, cultural, technological, economic, legal) on marketing.
To recognize how the basic elements of market segmentation and positioning affect the marketing mix (product, price, promotion, and place).
To assess and propose marketing solutions to real business situations.
To explain the interaction of marketing with other business functions.
To examine the ethical dilemmas that marketers can face.
To use teamwork and management skills in a marketing context.
Course Structure and Instructor Expectations:
This course is a required core course for all business majors [if you are not a business major, you should be taking MKTG 2209]. It is intended to expand the student’s understanding of fundamental concepts needed to be a successful marketer and business person. It is also designed as forum to explore our experiences and decision making as consumers. The approach is one of application-oriented discussion of the topics involved. The foundation of our discussions will be the material in the text, which will also be the basis for tests and quizzes.
In class, we will use a combination of lectures and discussions to develop the vocabulary and concepts of marketing. The homework will apply and evaluate the academic concepts through “real world” exercises and short assignments. The simulation will allow student teams to apply the principles of marketing to a market situation. Students should plan to actively participate in class discussions, bring in additional examples as discovered, get on-line to research and evaluate current strategies and be ready to discuss text topics in class.
Time Investment:
Reading the text is a requirement of the course! Full discussion and comprehension of material is impossible without thorough review of the text. Students should plan on investing, at a minimum, two hours outside of class for each hour in class, depending on learning style. The degree of your preparation and participation in the class discussion will greatly determine what you get out of it. There is no such thing as a wasted question, therefore, feel free to clarify/question the material at any time. Contribution enhances everyone’s understanding and is an integral component to the final grade.
Attendance Is Required:
Missing even a single session will impact your comprehension of the material, your attendance grade and any in-class assignments. Excessive unexcused absences will result in the loss of all attendance and participation points. Changes to the syllabus are your responsibility. However, they will be announced in class and posted on Blackboard.
Please inform my office if you intend to be absent. Emergencies will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis [For example, returning late from a weekend off is not an excused absence, hospitalization, jury duty or a family death, is with appropriate documentation]. If life throws a curve, we can deal with it. I am not inflexible, but I am also not a mind reader. If there are complications, please get in touch. I will help any way I can, but I can’t help if I don’t know what is going on.
Classes Start on Time and continue for the full duration. You should treat every class as a meeting with business peers. Late arrivals, early departures or leaving the class are highly disruptive and rude to your colleagues and will impact your grade.
Late Assignments Will Not Be Accepted without Prior Approval
If you know you are going to be absent, you can fax any assignment to the Marketing office to my attention at the number listed above. Assignments not received on the date due will not be accepted, unless prior approval has been obtained from the instructor.
Please submit homework in class on the day it is due, hard copy only. I do not accept email homework unless you have prior approval [see late assignments policy].
Resource Help:
There are no TA’s for the marketing area.
While sources of academic support are available through, you can also get in touch with me if you have any questions regarding assignments. You can also contact me just to talk. If you have problems (particularly with the written and oral assignments), tutorial help as well as English Language help/editing is available through the following resources:
English Language Center- 406 Ell, x2455
International Student Center- 403 Ell, x3451
Disabilities Resource Center- 20 Dodge, x2675
Students are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards. Honesty and integrity are key elements of good marketing, and specifically detailed in the American Marketing Association’s marketing code of ethics. Northeastern University is similarly committed to the principles of intellectual honesty and integrity. The official policy is available at Work assigned as independent will be done solely by each student.
Plagiarism is the theft of ideas from others. If it did not originate from your brain, you must cite the source. Students should be aware that any of the following oversights (intentional or not) constitute
Failure to place verbatim text in quotation marks
Failure to cite verbatim text
Paraphrasing without citation of the original source
Summarizing without citation of the original source
If a student uses any words other than those crafted by his/her own thought process, acknowledgement must be given to the original author. All students will be held accountable for understanding correct citation guidelines. To avoid potentially severe penalties, students should go to the Avoiding Plagiarism link on the Northeastern Library website at Within this link is a related link from Indiana University which provides specific examples of plagiarism: Any incident of plagiarism will be reported to the Dean’s office and OSCCAR for further action.
While the difficulty of getting together is a known side effect of team projects, I expect everyone to make their best efforts in the team project. It is the responsibility of everyone on the team to communicate and participate. I view letting your teammates down as a serious transgression and will adjust grades accordingly.
Electronics Policy:
Students are expected to act professionally in the classroom. Therefore, laptops are permitted for use during class time for taking notes only. Cell phones should be turned off or set to vibrate. Chat programs, web surfing, texting and other non-class related activities are strictly prohibited. Failure to adhere to this policy will jeopardize a student’s grade.
Final Exam Conflict
This course follows the College policy regarding final exams. With proper documentation from the registrar’s office, you may reschedule a final exam when you have three scheduled on the same day during finals week or two at the same time. Note: it is your responsibility to obtain the documentation from the registrar. Exam conflicts can be documented in the 3 weeks immediately after the final exam schedule is announced, NOT during the last week of the semester. Without proper documentation, I will not reschedule your exam.
Course grades will consist of objective and subjective evaluations of the student’s performance against the course requirements. Final grades will reflect adjustments for excellent or inadequate preparation and participation, and/or poor attendance.
However, since learning is inherently individualized, there are a number of elements to the grading process to allow you a variety of ways to demonstrate competence in the material. The grading elements are also designed to develop and enhance skills important to Marketing: individual effort, teamwork, oral and written communications skills. The course grade will be based upon:
Tests [4] 50%
Test 1, 2, 4 = 14% each
Test 3 = 8%
Simulation Project30%
Individual Journal postings15% Final team presentation10% Quarter 6 balanced scorecard ranking5%
Attendance and participation10%
All assessment tools are meant to aid in mastering both course content and the course objectives. Students should look at each element as a learning opportunity. The assigned work occurs throughout the semester and should give students a clear understanding of performance. Assignments will be graded and returned promptly to promote early and frequent feedback. Students concerned about their standing in the course should feel free to see me and discuss current standings and/or shortcomings at any time during the semester.
Homework assignments will be short papers submitted in hard copy, typically 1-2 pages, typed. These are based on experience, internet assignments and/or case analyses and problems, and relevant to topics being studied during the week[s] assigned. Assignments will be posted on Blackboard and announced in class. Note: I view homework assignments as equally important to tests and give them commensurate weight. This is an opportunity to show your knowledge without the time constraint of testing.
Tests are designed to draw together larger amounts of material and cover chapters noted on the syllabus. The format is generally a combination of short answer essays and/or definitions and a long essay and will consider both text and class material.
The team project is a computer-based simulation with 6 weekly submissions and updates on an individual journal maintained on Blackboard, culminating in a team oral presentation. Peer review for either exceptional or insufficient effort may affect your project grade. A separate project description will be handed out in class.
Final grade distribution points are shown below:
A =94 – 100%C = 72.5 – 77.49%
A- =90 – 93.9%C- = 70 – 72.49%
B+ =87.5 – 89.9%D+ = 67.5 – 69.9%
B =82.5 – 87.49%D = 62.5 – 67.49%
B- =80 – 82.49% D- = 60 – 62.49%
C+ = 77.5 – 79.9%F = below 60%
1. W 9/3Course Overview Th 9/4Marketing: the Background
Create and Deliver ValueChap. 1 2. M 9/8 Strategic Market PlanningChap. 2 W 9/10Strategy Continued - Read Rollerblade Case Th 9/11Marketing EnvironmentChap. 3
Buying Behavior 3. M 9/15 Consumer MarketsChap. 5 W 9/17Consumer Markets Continued Th 9/18Business MarketsChap. 6
4. M 9/22 Consumer – Business markets comparison W 9/24 Introduction to Simulation Th 9/25TEST # 1, Chapters 1-3, 5-6
SIM 1 due Sunday 9/23 by Midnight
5. M 9/29Market ResearchChap. 4
Read Charity Bike Ride W 10/1The Market Profile
Market Segmentation & Chap. 7Positioning Th 10/2The Product Concept Creating the ProductChap. 8
SIM 2 Journal due Thursday 4:30 pm
SIM 2 due Sunday by midnight
6. M 10/6Creating the Product continued W 10/8In class product creation/Sim strategies
Th 10/9Product creation presentations
SIM 3 Journal due Thursday 4:30 pm
SIM 3 due Sunday by midnight
7. M 10/13No Class – Columbus day W 10/15Managing the ProductChap. 9 Th 10/16Branding and Packaging
SIM 4 Journal due Thursday 4:30 pm
SIM 4 due Sunday 1 by midnight
8. M 10/20ServicesChap. 10 W 10/22Services continued and review Th 10/23TEST #2, Chapters 4, 7-10
SIM 5 Journal due Thursday MIDNIGHT (due to the exam)SIM 5 due Sunday by midnight
9. M 10/27Consideration & ApproachesChap.11 W 10/29Pricing Continued Th 10/30Pricing Continued
SIM 6 Journal due Thursday 4:30 pm
SIM 6 due Sunday by Midnight
10. M 11/3Pricing Strategies/Discuss upcoming presentations W 11/5Channels & Distribution Chap. 12 Th 11/6TEST #3 – Chapters 11-12
11. M 11/10 Test Review/Presentation prep W 11/12 Project Presentations Th 11/13Project Presentations Marketing Communications
12. M 11/17The Global Marketplace Chap. 17 W 11/19Marketing Communication Chap. 14 Th 11/20Advertising and Sales Promotion Chap. 15
13. M 11/24Marketing Comm. continued W 11/26No Class – Thanksgiving recess Th 11/27No Class – Thanksgiving recess
14. M 12/1Trade Promotion & Personal SellingChap. 16 W 12/3 Sustainable MarketingChap. 18
Th 12/5No Class – Reading Day
FINAL TEST #4 Chapters 14-18
Week of 12/5-12/12
Do Not Book Early Flights! Test will be only per Exam Schedule