life today. For example, in 1939 Igor Sikorsky invented the first successful helicopter (Bellis). Without the invention of the helicopter; it would take longer to travel places, news channels would not be able to acquire an aerial view of breaking news, and soldiers would have a great disadvantage. It would impact the soldiers, because they would not be able to transport the injured quick enough to receive support, which would result in an abundance of casualties. It would also impact the soldiers because it would take longer to gather more troops to assist with the mission, and they could not progress with the mission sooner. Another invention that has greatly impacted today’s society is frequency modulation, known as FM radio.
If FM radio was not invented then it would change the way people expressed themselves, as well as how they acted. There are two emotions related to music, perceived emotions and felt emotions. Perceived emotions are to perceive emotional expression in music without necessarily being affected oneself (Gabrielssonn). In simpler terms, it is to listen to music and determine the feeling of it, without actually expressing emotion. Felt emotions are just what it says, when a person is listening to music and they start to show actual emotion such as crying or making an expression. Music can also affect how a person acts, for example, most children who tend to listen to explicit music, tend to act out inappropriately and developed an inappropriate vocabulary. As for children who listened to classical or non-explicit music tended to make wiser decisions and talk in a more respectful manor (Griff). FM radio broadcasts all over the world, and it has impacted todays advancements …show more content…
greatly. Another important invention of the 1930’s is cat eyes, known as road reflectors.
They were invented in 1934 by an Englishman named Percy Shau (Bellis). Percy Shau had introduced cat eyes to British roads in 1937, and they are now all over the face of the world. If it were not for cat eyes known as road reflectors, people would not be able to identify the road clearly, and more wrecks would happen each day. In 1935 another invention was made, and it is abundantly used today. Nylon was invented by Wallace Carothers. Nylon is thermoplastic polyamides capable of extrusion when molten into fibers, sheets, etc. This in simpler terms means that it is soft and flexible when heated, stretchy and can be used in cloths and other fabrics. There is an abundant of other inventions that were made in the 1930’s, but this is just a few
things. The 1930’s was one of the many ages of fashion that that had an impact on today. Since the Great Depression was in place at this time, there was not much sewing in progress. There may not have been much sewing going on, but people still knew how to dress fashionably, and they knew what was important to have in the world of fashion, and what was not so much needed (Walls). There were a variety of different ways people dressed. At this time, there was the upper class, middle class, and lower class. The upper class consisted of the rich celebrities and the regular rich people. The upper class generally had fancy and outgoing cloths, and most of which had prints on them because they could afford them. There was the middle class, which had nice cloths, but they did not have an abundant. Most of the middle class worked with what they had, so they would implement little changes to their clothing to make it appear as if it fits with the new styles (Cantantino). Finally there was the lower class, at this time since it was the Great Depression, they were extremely poor. They usually wore what they could, and hemmed their cloths up when they were worn out (Cantantino). In the 1930’s was an age to remember and cherish. An abundance of inventions and fashion improvements were made at this time, and have influences today’s society. The 1930’s was a booming period, it might not have been the wealthiest period, but it influenced an enormous part of today’s fashion.