Chapter 1
Nowadays, in modern era a lot of establishments using computerized systems like inventory system, which acts as vital role in challenging towards companies success.
Through man’s knowledge and creativity, the world has been changed, from the prehistoric tools of the primitive man up to the modern machineries, the advancement in technology and the state-of-the-art hardware and software that man uses nowadays, makes our community march onward in an expeditious civilization and industrialization (Tolentino, 2010).
The world we live in has been transformed immensely with the advent used of the information. At this time, almost every aspect of the human life is influenced by the rapid advancement of technology providing us with the novel opportunities and fresh challenges at the same time.
Computerization is basically concerned with the automation of task using computer-based information system. This process with the people involved in doing a certain task, which being replaced by particular machineries. Computerization would also mean less effort exerted, sine manual can be done in shorter span of time.
Computer nowadays are part of our daily lives. Coming from technology where it is getting better, faster, and more implemented into our daily
Bibliography: Hartman, L. ( CIS 2003 - 2013). Automated Inventory Systems. roxaide Tolentino, R. G. (2010). Retrieved from Tolentino, R