Faculty of Management Sciences
Spring 2012
Course Investment Analysis
Course Instructor: Waqas Ahmad
E-mail: waqas.ahmad@gmail.com
Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Investmentanalysis_a/
Blog: www.waqaspost.tumblr.com
What the Course is about:
The investment Analysis course focuses at introducing the students about the various aspects of securities analysis and portfolio management. This course will give the introduction and advanced practical concepts, tools and applications of the Pakistani Securities Market.
The primary objective of this course is to familiarize the student with basic concepts of Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management and its various tools and techniques to facilitate the managers in managing their portfolio. The basic objective of the course is to acquaint the students in respect to the investment decisions related to financial assets, the risks and the returns involved, to make aware about the functioning of securities market alongside the theories and concepts involved in portfolio management.
Essential Text:
Reilly, Frank K. and Keith C. Brown, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Eighth Edition, 2005, South-Western, U.S.A. (RB)
Supplementary Material
Bodie, Zvi, Alex Kane and Alan J. Marcus, Investments, 6th Edition, 2005, McGraw-Hill, U.S.A.
Evaluation Criteria:
Evaluation Heads | Marks Distribution (Total 100) | Assignment 10 | 5 | Quizzes 10 | 10 | Midterm exams 40 | 25 | Project | 10 | Final exam | 50 |
Week Wise Schedule:
Week | Contents | Week 1 | Investment And Reasons For Investment, Required Rate Of Return, Relationship Between RRR And NRR, Historical Returns/expected retrns, HPY, HPR, Arithmetic mean of returns, Geometric mean of returns | Week 2 | Risk , Types Of Risk, Fundamental Factors Of Risk, Expected Risk, | Week 3 | Historical Measures