Since, 2003 Iran has processed 10 metric tons of Uranium, the amount of which power plants use, making it seem that Iran was trying to build and activate a nuclear bomb. This started a lot of controversy because it scared the neighboring countries especially Israel and the USA was very concerned along with some of the other non neighboring countries. USA was scared that this would branch out into more conflicts and things to worry about, and it did. Saudis Arabia said they will perform a nuclear attack if Iran is granted permission. On top of that, Israel and Iran always had conflicts which meant that at any time once Iran advertised a threat, Israel was first to have concern. This fear led to the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) to go and inspect Iran around 2007. Iran had not allowed for any additional inspection, and that made other countries worry if they have anything to hide. This was true and in February
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2009 the IAEA said that Iran had failed to provide sufficient Information. When Obama was elected in 2008, he wanted to negotiate terms for Iran to stop their nuclear program. Which has led until recently where all the country ambassadors were meeting in Geneva. They were trying to settle an agreement before the end of negotiations. If Iran is to hold their nuclear program they will lose all of their trade and bargaining with allied countries.
The true reason as to why Iran wants these bombs is unknown. They keep saying that the nuclear program is for peaceful reasons, but a lot of people think that isn’t entirely true, knowing that Iran has always disagreed with Israel. In fact, a lot of Israel’s neighboring countries have hostility towards Israel, making Israel a significant target. The old Iranian president several times have talked about how Israel should be wiped from the map. This has made it seem like that that is Iran intentions with having this nuclear program.
This concerning conflict could start a war, which would further lead into a WW3. With Israel scared they would keep attacking Iran first in fear of their nuclear weapons thus starting a war, and due to USA being allied with Israel that would also start a chain of events, in which global war would be eminent. Even if USA makes an agreement with Iran that does not stop the chance of a war, it could further it, because if Iran feels that they have been treated unfair they already have the technology that is capable to make a bomb. This nuclear assult could start the war that the UN has been trying to not have since after WW2.