Irish Wedding Culture
Laura Adair
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Rachel Grabner
September 27, 2010
Irish 2 Different places have different cultures. Some aspects of life can look the same in most cultures. We do not really think about what our parents have passed on to us. We also do not think too much of where it has come from or if it is part of our culture. We just live our lives. Well that is how other cultures are. Their culture is just how they live. I have decided that I am going to pretend that I am an anthropologist and I want to research the Irish culture. The Irish are well known. We know a lot already about them. I want to know more like everything I can. It is going to be fun. It will also be good to know things that people do not already know, so that I can pass the information on to my kids and their kids someday. We could research lots of things in the Irish culture such as the language, celebrations, landscape, music and the folk tales. We also do not want to forget about the pubs. They all sound so wonderful. We are going to look into the wedding celebration. The Irish wedding is a lot like an American wedding. So I can see where the Americans got all their wedding traditions. What is the difference between the American and Irish weddings? Irish weddings are lots of fun. They also have lots of superstitions that have to be carried out. What are these superstitions and how are they different from the Americans. The weddings cannot start without a proposal. The American always asks will you marry me. It may be done in all different ways and it is not always the guys asking the girls. The Irish ask by saying “Would you like to be buried with my people” or “Would you like to hang your washing next to mine”. So after getting engaged all the family and friends want to know when the big day is. The Irish will ask by asking “When are you giving us a day out”. (Ireland, 2010) It is just known