Rooted within our nation, are stereotypes that classify the minorities, brainwashing youngsters that this is how one race is. ______“Young black men in America suffer from …show more content…
Countless individuals who pursue racial equality “consider themselves enlightened, who intellectually believe in racial equality, who deplore discrimination, yet who harbor unconscious attitudes that result in discriminatory policies and behavior” (Kristof, 1). Those who declare they support racial equality wholeheartedly occasionally do not uphold their beliefs, deeming them hypocrites. In a realistic situation, an ‘enlightened’ person may judge a tall, black man sporting a biker jacket, baggy jeans, a gold chain necklace, and tattoos scaling up his arms, labeling him as a “thug” or “gangster”. Because these ‘enlightened’ people are absent-mindedly being racist, others are most likely doing precisely the same thing, which continues the use of racism. Because they are examples in society, these ‘enlightened’ individuals should be wary of their gestures and dialogue they express towards others to curtail the racism found in