Fashion means a general term of a famous style or practice; this is more especially in clothing, footwear, makeup, body piercing, and furniture. Also fashion may refer to a very distinctive and more often habitual trend speaking of the style which one dresses, as well as in prevailing styles in behavior. Fashion may also refer to the newest innovations of textile designers. On the technical form the term costume is so connected with the term fashion in which the use of the previous has been related to special sense like fancy dress or modern wear, while in real sense fashion is supposed to mean clothing in general and the study of it. Fashion may be of feminine or masculine depending on the different aspects.
People are dressing differently and behave in such a way that you can distinguish people from the various places which they come from around the world. Fashion in dressing or behaving has not only been influenced by the society and culture of a given place but also by weather and sometimes may be environment also fashion may be influenced by personal experiences, values of an individual and most importantly beliefs. We can rarely simply identify the society by only looking the way one dresses and behaves. The following aspects explains the ways in which people have divided over the topic “is fashion important” and what their reasons are for doing so. Symbolic may the main reason or one among the reasons for the importance of fashion since fashion may symbolize the certain country or state for example, in western Europe once by then there were laws which were used to prevent people to dress like royalty and therefore by that scenario (320). It is a symbol of the rising middle class and one from a different society or culture may easily identify or distinguish between the royalty and the rising middle class, the reason of saying this is more symbolic, other examples are countries of china where you will find dragons who were