The paper is prepared on two concepts of the flirting and sexual harassment as they being the same. In this paper, flirting happens when people are in agreement to flirt each other with the intent of fostering unity, feel attractive and to entertain themselves. And sexual harassment stands on the point of someone infringing other person’s human right on the aspect of his or her sexual desire. Which occurs in workplace, apartment and in general public with the motive of promotion, increases in salary and it becomes uncomfortable, unsafe to the victim.
Through the analysis of these two concepts, there were numerous differences and fewer similarities. The analysis of these concepts in this paper is based on these claims: Degradation, Objectification, and Gesture or sexual expression, for the concepts.
The first claim of this paper is on the notion of flirting degrading people of opposite sex or same sex, that means people will lose their dignity, people will be humiliated and loss of self- respect. For instance, flirting among senior manager and his secretary in the office and it reaches the notice of the management, he loses his dignity and demoted. They consider that flirting as misconduct in the organisation, but the manage and the secretary considered flirting as source of fun or entertainment
Again when a priest socializes with the young adult of his church and it becomes routine, they consider him as their age mate and degrade him, by the priest loses his self – respect from the church.
Flirting also make people to be humiliated, in sense of ignoring the present of people. For example, In house of many children, where one of senior citizens gathers them at one place during the summer, and tells them stories about nature and historical event, as to broaden their
Page 2 intellectual abilities, but later they accused him of touching and massaging their sensitive part of their body, which was false accusation. Eventually he ignoring the present of the children.
This paper objects that flirting does not really degrade people, because people flirt with people for the reasons, to build cordial relationship among them in organisation to maximize productivity. For example, In ABC Company, where the management organised BBQ and socialization outside their business premises to entertain them, and the CEO played football with the men and ate with the ladies on the same table.
The paper also objects that flirting does not really degrade people, because people flirt with people for this reason. To socialize with people to know their challenges and teaching them how to develop their potential. For example, a church organise a camp at Ottawa for the Pentecost Student and Associates, which was entitled “Developing my potential on Pentecostal pattern” which was taken from the second of Moses (Exodus 25vrs 40). The leaders organised some games that help us to socializes with them and other friend, share our challenges to them and they gave some Godly message that help us to build our potential for better future.
The response to the objection of this paper that flirting degraded people is based on the notion that even though people conceived an ideal of building cordial relationship among co- workers in an organisation to increase their profit level. So flirting with people in the firm is not the right motivational factor to encourage the employees to increase their effort that will maximizes productivity, and boost profit of the firm. For instance, senior accountant invited his secretary into his office for fantasy action. Due that the co-workers will disrespected to the management that they are flirting with our ladies, and the outside people will see that the management are
irresponsible. Again flirting makes the young people disobey to the message the priest presented to them, because the church leaders have routine socialization with the church members. The paper concluded that flirting degraded people as they loss their dignity, loss of self- respect and humiliated.
The second claim of this paper is on the notion of objectification of people among opposite sex or the same sex group. That means, treating someone merely as an object rather than a person, objectified feeling and action of people, and restricting someone’s decision. For example, A girl who became a friend to some guys, they developed an intimate friendship. Going to the cinema to watch movies together, go to the swimming and creating of jokes. One guy took the advantage to do something immoral with her, whereby he began touching her body and signal some sexual communication to her, but the lady refused because she has no intent of sexual desire, just to flirt with them for fantasy action. Upon that the guy told others that she is not person, but just being sex machine.
The paper also further emphasis on the notion that flirting with someone can objectify his or her feeling or actions. That means that something that someone decided not to commit or practice as being immoral, but if people flirt among themselves can awake inner desire. For example, A friend of who decided not to do commit any immoral act in his life, until he is in the readiness and responsible to handle family affairs. But a lady who live with him in the same apartment, usually come to his room, to watch movies with him, she does not concernate on the game, but rather touching and messaging his body, he consider that she is just flirting with him, it rather
Page 4 generated to hugging and he told her to stop flirting him, because it objectify his feeling, he had sex affair with her and he became a premature father.
The paper objects that flirting does not really object people, because someone flirts with another person with the motives: Building equality and uniqueness of the person among human race, to eliminate shyness and timid that develops in people and It also serve as foundation to initiate with people to have decision. For instance, In a high school, where I taught some group of students in the grade twelve on counselling issues. There was one student who was timid and shy in the class, but with great intellectual abilities that will be resourceful to the class. Due that I organised a physical education being sporting activity among the boys and the girls. They flirt with each that eliminates the ideal of superiority, but rather considering them on equal background in aspect of classes of life. At the end of the activities, this shy and timid guy became more confident and sociable to initiate decision with his classmate for academic excellence in the school.
The paper response to the objection of people being objectified is based on the notion that people flirt with other for the motive of being in a good relationship, entertaining them, but in the course of that people are treated as a mere object. Women are most at time the victim, and consider them as cheap commodity, as they objectify their sexual desire. For example, Georgina Awuah who completed from Liverpool university and went back to Ghana to work there. The personnel manager told the lady to flirt with him every day, so that he will promote her to high rank of the firm. That concluded that the lady becoming his sex machine to satisfy his sexual desire. I
Page5 concluded that flirting act as source of sexual harassment, even though they have no intent of sexual act but as the flirting continuous, it ends to harass the sexual right.
The final claim of the paper is on the notion of flirting express sexual gesture and activities among people. When someone flirt with someone, touching the Person’s hair, clothing and neck massaging, staring at someone, facial expression, winking, throwing kisses, licking lip and turning work discussion to sexual topic. For example, some ladies were employed at Zenith Financial Agency, during the lunch time; they went to the men and sat beside them, touching, messaging them and winking their waist. And the men also touching their hair and clothing.
The objection of paper is that flirting does not really express sexual gesture and activities, because it rather express fantasy among people without the intent of having sexual ideas, when someone stare at another, showing facial expression does not mean of seducing you but rather to foster unity and feel attractive and when people discuss issues on sexuality does not mean awaking the sexual desire of them, but to educate themselves on the consequence of it. For example, There was leadership conference that took place in the fire intercessor incorporation on the topic “Managing and Developing a Perfect Marriage” among the married and unmarried people, it was in three – day program at Alison Hotel, during the time for socialization, the unmarried men move to the unmarried women to chat with them, eating together, patting and even lift some of the women on their hand, releasing their bosom. After the program they exchange telephone and contact address to initiate everlasting friendship.
To the response to the objection of the final c claim in this paper on the notion that flirting express some gesture and activities as to show deeper interest in someone, that include facial
Page 6 expression, wearing of sexy clothes, licking lips, touching of hair and movement of body among people of opposite sex. As that occurs to awake the desire of sex act. For example, A lady who was visiting her school mate who was a boy, she wears a transparent clothes, and paint her face to be more attractive to the guy, so when she get to the house , she began licking her lips and touching her hair. The guy at the point develops intimacy for the lady, whilst in the initial point they agree to flirt themselves. I concluded that flirting express sexual gesture that some people cannot control it and drive them to sexual needs.
In the conclusion of the paper, prove that flirting is the same as sexual harassment on the notion of these claims: degradation, objectification and gesture or sexual expression.