“Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains” said Rousseau. This statement of his inspired the romantic poets like Shelley and Keats to glorify individual freedom. It also paved the way for French Revolution and the American War of Independence. Now the question is what actually freedom is? So to understand the true principles of freedom, one must understand the scope of the word. Freedom means capacity to exercise one’s own choice or free will and act upon it. It is nothing but the condition of being free of restraints and the right to unrestricted use or full access to many privileges which one is entitled to. Freedom is the right to make important decisions for yourself and your family without coercion or fear of retaliation. Freedom is the right to take advantage of the various opportunities out there in the world to better your life. Freedom is the right to express your opinion and fight for what you believe in, as long as you do not bring harm to anyone with an opposing point of view. The true meaning of freedom can be defined as the right given to an individual, when he has the right wisdom, to do what ever he wishes to do but with a care that he does not dominate the wishes and desires of other person. So freedom doesn’t mean that one can do anything he wants to do or have everything he wants to have. Freedom has its own limitations. A G Gardiner’s essay “On the Rule of the Road” clearly justifies this statement. A fat lady was moving in the middle of the road saying that she has the freedom to go as she likes. The bus driver said he would run his bus over her. This
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