Ho Io Weng, Peta
May 3, 2010
Over the years, many researchers have tried to make a connection between some of society’s most respected people. The link they agreed upon was their height. The result raised a lot of controversy. Tall people refused to admit that it was their height that gave them a boost up the career chart, and shorter ones refused to accept that they would need to work twice as much to get the same results. Researchers not only claimed that tall people were happier in life, but also the fact that those who were successful were actually statistically above average height. After these reports surfaced, many who believed that an extra inch could give them an edge turned to risky, illegal height-increasing surgeries for help. In this paper, I will give you an insight on the claims, as well as observations on this controversial topic and the research behind it.
Is Height the Key to Success? Everyone wants to be successful, to be respected, to have power over others and to be better than the rest. For ages humans have tried to put together the perfect formula for success, but ironically, have never succeeded. Although the path to success has never been found, one god-given quality stands out, literally. Experts and researchers claim that the key to success is in fact your height. Studies and stereotypes have shown that tall people live easier and happier lives than shorter ones. Some of the vertically-challenged, who have already faced this problem, are even willing to try dangerous height-increasing surgeries just to get an advantage. In this world of survival of the fittest, short people look up to tall people, both literally and most importantly, socially. By conducting surveys, The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index tracks the well-being of residents of the United States and according to “Taller” (2008), tall people have the edge when it comes to happiness. The index showed that the rates of
References: Anonymous (2006, September 5). China bans leg-lengthening surgery. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2006 -11/05/content_724833.htm Anonymous (2008, September 11). Taller people have the edge when it comes to happiness. Retrieved March 13, 2010, from http://www.reuters.com/article/i dUSSP35300020080911 Brink, S. (2007, January 15). Is taller better? Retrieved March 14, 2010, from http://articles.latimes.com/2007/jan/15/health/ Retrieved March 13, 2010, from http://www.danwei.org/internet/height _extending_surgery_in_th.php Gregory, S. (2009, July 29). Why Tall People Are Happier Than Short People. Retrieved March 14, 2010, from http://www.time.com/time/business/article/ 0,8599,1913256,00.html Landsburg, S. E. (2002, March 25). Short Changed - Why do tall people make more money? Retrieved March 13, 2010, from http://www.slate.com/?id=2063439