First of all, at some point of your life, you might need more money than you could afford with your salary. That's when you need to rely on your savings. For instance, your car gets broken and you do not have insurance, but you want to fix it, or even buy a new one. If you don't have money to fix it, you will have to rely on your credit account. This may cost you more money and more problems, besides, money aren't given to everyone by the bank. You should possess certain qualities in order to be given money. The car must be repaired somehow because you need it.
Secondly, it may turn out that you can't work for some reason. Let's say that, your wife got pregnant just before nine months. By that time, you have been fired of work somehow. At this point, if you don't have any money on a side, you had better be ready for a dramatic changes in your life. At least you will not have to be worried about your old boss' mood anymore. If you have saved money, your dismissal might be a wonderful experience, because you will be able to support your wife with money and even with your presence.
Last but not at least, you might want to invest money. You may want to start business. Business have to be started with money by you. If you do not have any money you will not be able to start. If you rely only on bank credit, you are going to pay almost all of your profit to the bank. For example, if you want to buy a house for you or your children, you should pay around twenty or thirty percent of the house price to the bank in order to get lower interest. If you don't do