Everyone loves to treat themselves, and if you don’t then you are lying.
If your desire and want, is strong enough it is worth it to save up enough money, and pay for it with cash. Although this sounds great, sometimes it isn’t all that achievable. The idea of it is that if you save up more money for an item such as a house, car, or television that you will borrow less from a bank or credit card. The scary part about borrowing from lenders is that they charge a large sum of money in interest, so in the long run you’re essentially spending more money out of pocket. Another big reason to save is when buying a house, it is important for you to at least have enough cash for a down
payment. “That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest.” Henry David Thoreau. Since the beginning of time, wealth has determined class and status. Even in the modern world, it seems to do that, however there are a few differences. Now we can hide behind credit cards and big houses, pretending to have more money that we actually have. Building wealth is more simple than you would think, as long as you invest and spend smart. I do realize that it’s not always attainable to save up cash for everything, so I have included some close alternatives to buying for things with cash, emergency funds, etc. So you, the reader, should follow the rules of smart financial decisions. Spending wisely isn’t the only way to achieve success, you need to make good plans and decisions. To start off make sure you are putting something into savings, you can forget that five dollar coffee in the morning. Saving things as little as that everyday can generate an estimated extra $100 a month, that means your whole emergency fund is completed in five months. In reality it's about choosing whether or not the wants are necessities. Learn how to manage your wealth and the rest is up to you.