Tabitha Owens
University of Guam
“Is Marriage History?”
Sitting in front of the channeling surfing through the television and behold the infomercials that are up-selling products to potential buyers. One of the common products is “Rogaine". The basic tool to regrow hair loss usually issues towards older men. Researchers from American Hair Loss Association conducted a study that said, more than 95% of men above the age of thirty-five will experienced baldness and by the age of 50 approximately 85% of men eventually had the aspects of thinning hair. Men who suffer from the tragic hair loss are typically depress. Whether stress with work, friends, family, or relationship with their spouse. Marriage is like going …show more content…
bald, there is no parting. You may view mar9245601830177riage as beginning to new life or just a dead end. 50% of marriage can increase by the way society is advancing and culture losing tradition which leaves marriage to lose value.
According to “To Tie the Knot or Not?”, stated that traditionally marriage had a stronger value and meaning to the title of ownership.
In the early 1900, marriage was a sense of contract with details of both parties obligations with each other and their family. A contract that in compass the family roles like the saying goes, “until death do us part.” Within the partnership with United States and Europe, new development of late age marriage, leaving most of the population with late age single status, and still continue the roles of the family.
During the early 1900’s marriage was a source for property, family alliance, wealth, and sealing peace with former or current enemies. Moving towards the Great Depression …show more content…
“Is Marriage History?” the economy with financial status. Troublesome for younger families starting up a new household with little to no financial stability. The Great Depression decreased the rate of marriage to almost 13% between the year 1930-1932. Surprisingly, towards the end of the decade marriage increase the average for men to 24.3- 26.7 and women with 21.3-23.3. World War Two helped increase the marriage rate during the early 1950’s. In 1959, 47% of all brides were under 19. On authority of History Channel stated, “ According to a 1957 poll, only 9 percent of Americans thought a single person cow be happy, The ideal marriage was said to be a ‘partnership,’ centered around children and devoted to ‘togetherness.’”
In the course of 1960’s -1970’s escalated tension with the value of women status to society.
This was the beginning of “Women’s Movement” and feminist continued to critiqued most institutions. Surge of sexual revolution with birth controls which loses the intimacy of the relationship between sex and marriage within the couples, or in a classical sense, husband and wife. The average of marriage continued to rise while divorce rates continued to get ever higher than during the early 1900’s. Likewise, cohabiting, in other words living together with your significant other but not legally married. became more common when traditionally you were not allowed to leave with your significant other unless you surpassed the marriage level and become husband and wife. Even so, in the early twentieth century, the meaning of marriage lessen its value with the advancement of technology and science. Commencement of the sexual revolution with premarital intercourse which changes the angles of the value of marriage. Losing
the understand of marriage through promising gratifications within individuals and couples exposing sexual attraction and pleasure instead of the responsibility qualities.
“Is Marriage History?”
Fast forwarding to the modern tradition is far from anything near traditional standards of marriage before and now. Women started to question the importance of marriage and combing other issues that mattered the most. In the twentieth century women were puzzled with, “Why bother marrying at all when you do not need a husband for sex, economic support, shared evidence, and even children?” Nowadays women are encourage to be more in depended and career oriented. Traditionally, when married, women were not allowed to be under the impression of the future with their status rate. With society evolving , as well as the values within the family, the average age rate for getting married risen to 25-30. Dr. Constance L. Shehan, a sociology professor, at the University of Florida declared, “By 2000, the average young women had increase to 25 .1 and for me to 26.8. Clearly American’s are marrying later today than in the 1950’s.”
Resolution of the value of marriage between then and now has open our eyes to grasp the way society viewed marriage and the important roles each couples had to carry on and hopefully pass down to their children. Before having marriage as a final contract that also resolved former enemies, increased families wealth, ownership of property, and stronger family alliance. Great Depression made it had for the United States to continue the consistent or raising the rate of marriage with the difficulty of financial stability and back breaking news of unable to finance a new household after the wedding. Luckily, after World War Two, changed the view of economic financial rate inside out which increased younger women to get married. By the 1960’s-1970’s, when women started to fight back for ownership and independence. Valuing women's right with society and more respect in a marriage status since women who were wives were considered
“Is Marriage History?”
“domestic servants.” Losing the intimacy of advancement of technology and science with new drugs like birth control understated the intimacy within married couples. During the modern days, marriage completely lost its value by chaining the core meaning and losing the concept responsibilities within the married couples. Before people get married to be wealthy nowadays people get wealthy before getting married.
McAndrews, Paul J. MD. American Hair Loss Association.
Pruitt, Sarah. (December 16, 2011). History in the Headlines. Is Marriage History?
Soll, Lindsay (Spring 2003). To Tie the Knot or not? Retrieved Spring 2003. http://