Study Guide
Chapter 1 – Intro and Theory
What changes have occurred in marriage and the family in the last 60 years?
What is Family Systems Theory?
What is Attachment theory and the 3 attachment styles?
What does “not to decide is to decide” mean?
What are some examples of family strengths?
Why do some families/couples resist change?
What does it mean when a family is flexible?
What is a common law marriage?
By age 75 what percentage of people have been married?
What are the benefits of being married?
What is the top reason for getting married?
What are some characteristics of generation Yers?
Couple and families who function well usually score high on what 3 dimensions?
Chapter 2 – Gender
Where do children learn gender roles, what is the most influential?
What is socialization?
What is the mating gradient?
According to one study, what percentage of undergraduates wanted to marry a traditional husband and / or a traditional wife? (p. 35)
What is the new gender revolution for boys? (p. 38)
According to the Corra study how did women compare to men in regards to marital satisfaction? (p. 42)
What are some of the negative consequences of the traditional female role socialization?
What is the feminization of poverty?
What are some reasons why men typically have fewer friends than females? (p. 44)
What does it mean to have “transcended gender roles”?
What is the principle of least interest?
What are the different types of power patterns?
What is the relationship between perceived equality of household tasks and marital satisfaction?
Friendships – Notes
The number of friends across the lifespan
Types of friendships
What are some of the friendship development and maintenance strategies?
Chapter 4 – Singlehood & Cohabitation
What is the median age for first marriage for both men and women?
What are the advantages of remaining single?
How do men and women view “hooking up”
In terms of online dating