Arranged marriages continue to be normative in many Asian cultures, such as Japan, India, Korea, and so on (Applbaum, 1995). Specifically, among Hindus in India, they continue to be the most popular form of organizing a marital relationship (Mullatti, 1995). Despite globalization, modernization, and urbanization, the number of arranged marriages continues to outnumber 'love ' or 'self-arranged ' marriages. In fact, an estimated 95% of all Hindu marriages in India are still arranged marriages (Chawla, 2004). My parents are Indian, my mother was born in the Islands of Fiji and my father was born in India, they both migrated to the US in Los Angeles, where they met though arranged marriage.
The groom’s family in the Indian tradition benefits from marriage because the bride’s family is required to pay some sort of dowry. A dowry is exchanged in a majority of Indian weddings, even ‘love’ marriages. Although its practice became illegal in 1961, dowry flourishes among all social classes. Families of the bride and groom negotiate transfer of assets to the groom and his family in exchange for marrying the bride, often within the context of an arranged marriage. For example a dowry can consist of money, property, vehicles or even cattle. If the bride’s family is deprived of these things and comes from poverty it could even be labor from the family members. Dissatisfaction with the amount of dowry may result in abuse of the bride. In extreme cases "dowry deaths" or the murder of the bride by her husband and his family take place (Rastogi, 2006).
Arranged marriages vary widely by region and community across the Indian subcontinent. The marriage process usually begins with a realization in the family that a child is old enough to marry. For a girl, it is during her graduation years or early twenties and, for a boy; it is after he is 'settled ', with a decent job and has consistent earnings. The initiation can occur when a parent or a
References: Applbaum, K. D. (1995).Marriage with a proper stranger. Arranged marriage in metropolitan Japan, Journal of Ethnology 34, 37-51. Arranged Marriages . The Interactive Media Lab at the University of Florida. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2013. Arranged Marriages . (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved August 1, 2013. Madathil, J., & Benshoff, J. M. (2008). Importance of Marital Characteristics and Marital Satisfaction: A Comparison of Asian Indians in Arranged Marriages and Americans in Marriages of Choice. Family Journal, 16(3), 222-230. Mullatti, L. (1995). Families in India: Beliefs and realities. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 26, 11-25. Rastogi, M., & Therly, P. (2006, January). DOWRY AND ITS LINK TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN INDIA: Feminist Psychological Perspectives. Trauma, Violence & Abuse. pp. 66-77. doi:10.1177/1524838005283927. Singh, Roshni. Personal interview. 3 Aug. 2013. Uberoi, P. (1993). Family, kinship, and marriage in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press.