This documentary is a contribution to a larger discussion about obesity in the United States. It was said that US was one of states with the most overweight population. Two in every three Americans are considered to be overweight or obese. The purpose of the documentary was not to persuade or entertain, but to inform and warn everyone about the dangers of fast foods. Obesity is a huge problem all over the world and is the second leading cause of death in teens and adults. The tone throughout the whole film was mostly humorous, but at times was very serious. Especially when the doctors would talk to him about his health and the impact on his body by eating McDonald’s everyday. The tools that were used by Morgan were personal experience that made the film more realistic. He did state some facts at the beginning of his film that was unbelievable to believe, but true. The author’s thesis is to watch out for fast food consumption, although may be fast is not always healthy for one’s body and could eventually cause death if not cared…
“We’re all amateur psychologists who run private experiments on how best to live” (Gallagher, 1). Thinking deeply about this quote, creates the realization that it is true and that nearly everyone does this subconsciously. Winifred Gallagher, the author of Rapt, believes that the real problem is that we do not perceive our individual ability to utilize our attention to focus and create a better future for ourselves. As a supporter, one would feel that Gallagher presents her argument in a very effective way by utilizing the three main rhetorical analysis tools: ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos creates a balance between the three—it is all about credibility or how likeable someone is. Pathos is the passion or emotion expressed throughout an argument. If done correctly, pathos is the glue that binds it all together (Shadesbreath, 5). Lastly, logos is about the logic and facts behind the…
As Spurlock is conducting the experiment we see how the fast food begins to eradicate his health. His liver begins to shut down slowly, but also the amount of weight he gains. As of result of eating McDonalds Morgan Spurlock In just 5 days he gains 10 pounds. The food begins to shut down his body slowly. At the rate Spurlock was eating, the doctor told him how all the food is destroying him. The doctor advises Spurlock to stop the diet or else he will pay the price. After hearing that suggestion it makes Spurlock and people question if the food they are consuming is tasty or deadly? Furthermore, his diet begins to consume his life because we see how without his addiction he becomes depressed without it. Due to the fact that, he is becoming depressed, he can only find comfort in eating McDonalds. Also, he begins feeling very lethargic and experiences severe headaches. The only way Spurlock’s intense pains go away is when he eats McDonalds after he would transform into himself. Given these points Spurlock with his personal experiment shows how McDonalds has a negative effect on his health.…
reading that writing. Rhetoric is expressed to the audience through Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. In…
Ethos is our level of credibility as perceived by the audience. Pathos is the quality of a persuasive presentation which appeals to the emotions of the audience. An emotional connection can be created in many ways by a speaker, perhaps most notably by stories. The goal of a story, anecdote, analogy, simile, and metaphor is often to link an aspect of our primary message with a triggered emotional response from the audience. Logos is synonymous with a logical argument. The message we are trying to convey should be based on facts, statistics, and…
The documentary, Supersize Me by Morgan Spurlock, is one of the most revealing and shocking works of film that I have ever seen. This movie shows that it really does take only one man to make an effective change in the world. Supersize me revolves around one man, Morgan Spurlock, who decides to challenge the fast food industry through a shocking demonstration. He embarks on a one month experiment in which all he consumes is the famous McDonald’s fast food chain’s food. The rules are that he cannot eat or ingest anything that is not sold on the McDonald’s menu, he must eat everything on the menu at least once, and he must eat three meals a day. His intent is to put on display, first hand, the effects that fast food have on the human body. While this was his intent to begin with, Spurlock had no clue what was in store for his body.…
Rhetorical situations are defined by the kinds of appeals that may affect an audience, the pistesis. There are three types: the rhetors credibility (ethos), the emotions (pathos), and the systems of reasoning (logos). While both rhetorical situations rely on all three types of pistesis, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s speech relies more heavily on the “ethos”, whereas Coca-Cola’s relies more heavily on the “pathos”.…
The Three Rhetorical Appeals are the three main points by which people are influenced, and it allows you to effectively evaluate different texts and arguments for their oratorical strategies. The first, Logos, is the method of reason, logic, or facts. Any type of argument which appeals to someone’s rational side is appealing to logos. Second, Ethos, an approach of credibility, authority, or character, appeals to demonstrate the author’s expertise, trustworthiness, and honesty and tries to put the author in a more positive position to the audience. Lastly, Pathos, this is a strategy of affect and emotions. Pathos appeals to an audience’s emotions of anger, excitement, or sorrow. These three points are important to the audience to analyze the…
Pullman Distinguished Professor Emeritus in English and Writing award recipient, both describe rhetorical situation as a balance. Lunsford explains the rhetorical triangle as the audience, writer, and subject material, which are all “dynamically related in a particular context,” meaning that triangular harmony is essential and changes for every different piece of writing. In his book The Rhetorical Stance, Wayne Booth further illustrates this point by describing three bad, or out-of-balance stances: Pedant, Advertiser, and Entertainer. Relating back to our in-class discussion, the Pedant is too focused on the Logos aspect of writing, the Advertiser on Pathos, and the Entertainer on Ethos. These “corruptions” are not purely balanced and while they may be successful in certain situations, they will not achieve what Booth calls the ultimate goal of rhetoric: changing someone’s mind. In Booth’s view “[the author] can do so only if he knows more about the subject than we do, and if he engages us in the process of thinking – and feeling – it through.” Again, this concept applies directly to the use of Logos, Pathos, and Ethos in the rhetorical triangle. By saying that the author “knows more about the subject than we do” Booth verifies that they must have established credibility, or Ethos. Engaging the reader “in the process of thinking – and feeling” refers to Logos, and the application of facts and logic to an argument, and Pathos, the…
Purpose and Overview: Thus far in the semester we have discussed the Rhetorical Appeals (Ethos, Pathos, and Logos) and writing as a means of entering a conversation. The purpose of this essay is for you to exercise the skills you have learned thus far of identifying the rhetorical appeals and how two authors use them in two selected essays. Essentially, I am asking you complete a rhetorical analysis of two authors’ essays and compare and contrast them to determine which of the two is more effective and why.…
It is without a doubt that fast food is causing many health and weight problems for a large percentage of Americans’. In the documentary by Morgan Spurlock, Supersize Me, Spurlock decides to experiment with the effects of eating too much fast food, McDonald’s in particular. This film puts a lot of emphasis on the large percentage of obese Americans’, particularly the unawareness of how bad fast food is for the body, and also questions how responsible consumers are for their own choices versus the responsibility of corporations. Spurlock uses many different rhetorical approaches throughout the film; a logical (logos) approach by documenting his own health and emotions, he provides interviews and statistics from experts creating trust and credibility (ethos), and evokes many emotions (pathos), such as humor and disgust from his audience. Morgan Spurlock in his documentary, Supersize Me, attempts to convince his audience that the consumption of fast food has caused a large part of the health problems that are seen in the majority of Americans’ today.…
As a speaker, it is necessary to use the rhetorical triangle to create reliable and compelling arguments. The rhetorical triangle consists of the speaker, the audience and the subject, each of these is dependent on each other to be effective.…
Finley use of logos, pathos, and ethos throughout his speech captures the audience’s attention. Finley uses pathos throughout the presentation by showing the audience…
Supersize Me is the perfect movie to watch to understand the importance of diet and eating habits. It teaches us specifically about the dangers of fast food as well as what foods are better options! Supersize Me is a great teaching tool for all who watch. This documentary shows us the risks of eating fast food, specifically McDonald’s. Morgan Spurlock ate nothing but McDonald’s fast food for thirty days straight. He gained 25 pounds and also doubled his chances for heart disease, which shocked me. I knew that fast food was terrible, but that quick of a weight gain plus the drastic increase for chances of heart disease was astounding. It took Morgan 14 months to lose his extra weight and he said it was nothing close to being easy, which I can believe. The fact that forty percent of meals are eaten out of the house daily is a crazy statistic and one that I believe should not exist! I completely agree that fast food is a problem that contributes to obesity. As the documentary stated, sixty percent of overweight people eat fast food consistently.…
The film documents his lifestyle’s drastic effects physical and psychological well being, and explores the fast food industry’s cooperate influences, including how it encourages poor nutrition and for its own profit. Spurlock dined at McDonald’s restaurants three times per day, eating every item on the menu. Spurlock consumed an average of 5,000 calories per day during his experiment. As a result he gained 24 ½ pounds, gained 13% body mass, a cholesterol level of 230, and experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and fat accumulation to his liver. It took Spurlock 14 months to lose the weight gained from his experiment.…