Supersize Me is the perfect movie to watch to understand the importance of diet and eating habits. It teaches us specifically about the dangers of fast food as well as what foods are better options! Supersize Me is a great teaching tool for all who watch. This documentary shows us the risks of eating fast food, specifically McDonald’s. Morgan Spurlock ate nothing but McDonald’s fast food for thirty days straight. He gained 25 pounds and also doubled his chances for heart disease, which shocked me. I knew that fast food was terrible, but that quick of a weight gain plus the drastic increase for chances of heart disease was astounding. It took Morgan 14 months to lose his extra weight and he said it was nothing close to being easy, which I can believe. The fact that forty percent of meals are eaten out of the house daily is a crazy statistic and one that I believe should not exist! I completely agree that fast food is a problem that contributes to obesity. As the documentary stated, sixty percent of overweight people eat fast food consistently.
I am very glad that this documentary included ways schools are affecting obesity in their students, as I think that bad eating habits start at a young age. Any chance to decrease obesity and poor health due to diet is a positive change, and I salute the schools that are trying to do so. Some schools have banned soda vending machines and even prohibited students from bringing soda, which I think is a great start. I think that school lunches, however, are generally on the unhealthy side. More should be done to promote healthy dietary habits that go beyond removing soda.
Overall, this documentary was a great one. I hate it for Spurlock that he had to go through all the health issues. It scared me when he got so bad that the doctors were telling him to stop so his heart and liver didn’t give out. To watch that happen to someone is hard, especially when it is 100% preventable from a dietary standpoint.