The story begins with an image of vast, untouched wilderness that slowly deteriorates and morphs into a small rural town. This is then replaced with the development of urbanization, which advances into an enormous, smoggy, industrialized city. A sense of longing for the simplicity of the past and dejection towards the future is palpable. Additionally, the author asks, “What's next?” in the final panel of the comic strip, as if directly questioning viewers if they will continue on this bleak path or choose to make a change for a brighter future. As a result of Crumb's ability to effectively illustrate his point of view and convey a wide range of emotions through imagery, I find this piece quite persuasive. This comic strip reveals the current reality of our country and humbly supplicates the audience to take responsibility in changing their ways and improving the environment. While I enjoyed this rendition and found it successful at communicating its message, there are a few minor things I would
The story begins with an image of vast, untouched wilderness that slowly deteriorates and morphs into a small rural town. This is then replaced with the development of urbanization, which advances into an enormous, smoggy, industrialized city. A sense of longing for the simplicity of the past and dejection towards the future is palpable. Additionally, the author asks, “What's next?” in the final panel of the comic strip, as if directly questioning viewers if they will continue on this bleak path or choose to make a change for a brighter future. As a result of Crumb's ability to effectively illustrate his point of view and convey a wide range of emotions through imagery, I find this piece quite persuasive. This comic strip reveals the current reality of our country and humbly supplicates the audience to take responsibility in changing their ways and improving the environment. While I enjoyed this rendition and found it successful at communicating its message, there are a few minor things I would