First of all, the internet has become so advanced that people can interact with each other with a click of a button. Our society is disintegrating around us, while we ignore our parents when playing video games or texting people. Many parents believe that these items are privileges, not necessities and we should honor our parents and not take advantage of them.
Secondly, people waste countless hours of their lives trying to see what famous people are doing. They are thus missing out on things that happen in reality by “celebrity watching”.
“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity” Albert Einstein predicted that in the future, our society would be hypnotised by cellular devices. He is correct. In this day and age, we cannot survive without televisions or cell phones. If Einstein predicted this in the past, what will happen in the future? “If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger.” Frank Lloyd Wright proposed that humans will start waste all parts of their bodies apart from their “Trigger Finger”. At this rate, it looks like this will be the case. You must be thinking “Why on earth would anyone do that?”However, knowing the 21st century, it’s bound to happen. If having “swag” means wearing jeans lower and taking pictures in bathrooms, I’d rather wear my jeans up to my belly button and never dare take a picture of myself.
On the other hand, it can be argued that texting is much more simple and effective rather than