Most of the experts believe that war is an inevitable part of human nature, whether it is national or global. Freud,for example, believed that all animals are born with potent aggressive instincts and the anthropologist, Goddell claimed, in a detailed and well analyzed …show more content…
For example France and ISIS or other islamic groups. War between two countries or states will always be present wether they are fighting for independence, for economical problems,revenge,democratic peace, or because of religion. War is inevitable. The leaders of the countries should all get along with each other in order to have the claim that people will will do it. You need to take it step by step in order to achieve a big thing such as the extinction of war, or at least to minimize it. “Make love, not war”.
“We’ve always had wars. Humans are a warring species. Without an army to defend us, someone will always try to conquer us”. These assumptions have become axioms of our culture. They generate despair but also a certain comfort because they relieve us of the responsibility to change. Some politicians and pundits declare that human nature makes peace impossible, that war is built into our genes. They point to research by evolutionary biologists that indicates our closest genetic relatives, the chimpanzees, make war. Therefore a war must be part of our