Prelude: In the massive protests in Seattle in 1999, more than 5000 protesters took part on issues of environment and exploitation of child labor in third world. It was an anti-globalization movement. World Trade Organization (WTO) became one of the most controversial institutions as evidenced by the massive protests in Seattle, Washington in November, 1999. Both the critics and supporters of WTO seem to believe that it is a highly effective organization. But the writer Keisuke Iida thinks that this assumption should be examined. And his paper on “Is WTO dispute settlement system effective?” is the first step of examination. In his paper the writer discussed about whether WTO is effective in dispute settlement or not. This assignment discuss about some comments on his article and effectiveness of WTO dispute settlement system. Before analyzing some comments, the organization WTO and the writer’s findings are explained here in short.
Effectiveness: According to Young & Levy there are five types of effectiveness: 1) A regime is supposed to fight/help solve the problem, whether or not it solves the problem (effectiveness in problem solving). 2) Whether or not a regime achieves values (e.g. fairness & participation) ((normative effectiveness).3) Altering the behavior of actors in favor of better management of environmental problems (political effectiveness).4) Whether or not contracting parties behave according to the rules specified in the regime (legal).5) Economic cost dimension to the problem solving approach (economic effectiveness). World Trade Organization (WTO): Location: Geneva, Switzerland, Established:1 January 1995, Created by:
References: * Henrik Horn, Louise Johannesson, Petros C Mavroidis, The WTO Dispute Settlement System 1995-2010: Some Descriptive Statistics, Journal of World Trade. New York: Dec 2011. Vol. 45, Iss. 6; pg. 1107, 32 pgs. * McRae, Donald, Measuring the effectiveness of WTO Dispute Settlement System, Asian J. WTO & Int’d Health L Pol’y, 2008, HeinOnline. * John H. Jackson, The Case of the World Trade Organization, Page-239-253. * Keisuke Iida, Is WTO Dispute Settlement Effective? Book The Politics of Global Governance, Edited by Paul F Diehl & Brain Frederking. |