Professor Christopher Johnston
21 June, 2013
WTO: Why It Was Opposed – A Rhetorical Analysis of Top Twelve Reasons to Oppose the World Trade Organization
Nowadays economic globalization is a trend. Free trade affects us every day. The World Trade Organization is writing the constitution and operating the global trade. However, more and more people start to think over: is free trade a universally good global economic system? Does the WTO can really inspire growth and prosperity for all? According to the Global Exchange, the answer is no and there are alternatives to the WTO. A flier distributed through the website for Global Exchange appeal to people to oppose the WTO and replace it with a democratic global economy. The flier strongly proves that the WTO does harm to the human rights, global economy and the equality between poor countries and powerful countries. As far as I am concerned, the flier works beautifully to make people realize the disadvantages of free trade and shortcomings of the WTO by enumerating twelve reasons clearly and by using logos, ethos and pathos successfully. The flier from the Global Exchange claims that the WTO has been the greatest tool for taking democratic control of resources out of our communities and putting it into the hands of corporations. There are twelve reasons listed that why people should oppose the WTO. By the mean of showing the disadvantages of free trade .Global Exchange persuade people to reject the expansion of the WTO and help build a political space that nurtures a democratic global economy. A essential persuasive technique in a advertisement or a flier is pathos. The author starts off the flier by a brief statement about the aim of the WTO in a sarcastic tone and then uses the positive tone to describe the team to oppose the WTO is becoming stronger and stronger. The sentences such as "an international movement is growing....and importantly, we are winning!" make the readers believe that more