Course: HASY 510G – Epidemiology II
Lecturer: Ms. Terry-Lee Howard
Student: Sherline Onika Chase
Student ID#: 64556
Submitted: 25th May, 2014
Table of Contents
Table of Contents --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Concept 1: Estimating Risk ---------------------------------------------------------- 4
Concept II: Study Design ------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Concept III: Ethical & Professional Issues in Epidemiology -------------------- 9
Summary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 …show more content…
Ethical consideration must be high on the agenda in public health since epidemiological findings are socially relevant, often publically funded and the research is conducted on human subjects. As discussed previously, there are two broad types of studies in epidemiology; the observational studies which include the cross-sectional, case-control and cohort studies and the experimental study or randomized clinical trial. As a policy writer and programme designer, I am obligated to ensure that investigators and researchers obtain informed consent from their subjects, where possible, and that there is privacy and …show more content…
These were discussed concepts through the eyes of a policy maker and programme designer using the disease type 2 diabetes for illustrations. Studying the distribution and determinants of health-related states is not simply a course that constitutes part of a master’s degree that a student must “pass” or “get over” but rather a guiding principle to be incorporated into decision making, so that the application of this study can truly be used to control health problems. These health problems can range in simplicity from common childhood ailments to pandemics. Therefore participants in this course of study are expected to make sterling contributions to national, regional and international healthcare systems based on understand of concepts learned in