Johnson Company provides networking components and services. Today we are using the yellow pages for advertising, which is still useful but outdated. In most businesses today use other methods such as In person by using sale representatives. Mostly all the businesses today use the internet to reach out to customers, either by having a website, social media, sending emails or even newsletters. There are some that use a totally different approach, some of which include video conferencing and text messages. Other companies even push it further by utilizing social media sources such as Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and so many more to promote their company.
To keep any company running you need supply and demand, the same rules apply here at Johnson Company, our main goal is to obtain and retain customers. Some of the ways I believe we can improve on that is by improving the ways we communicate with the customers. One of the things we can do is provide them a constant source to obtain information about our company. To do such a thing, I suggest we get a website up and running with a live chat support built in for Q&A. This would increase the number of people we can reach out to. Another option we can add into the mix is sending out newsletters to current customers to keep them up to date with the latest trends in our line of products and company news. This option would require the less amount of funds and man power, due to the fact that mostly everyone in this era that we live in owns an email address. Having a few social media pages would also be beneficial to us, this would allow us to get the company recognized by more than just the group of people we traditionally deal with.
Johnson Company is one of the world best providers of networking components plus services and we need to prove that to the world. One of the ways we can do this is by providing high quality products, but we can take it a step further. We can start by