The Johnson Company will be able to reach out to its customers by basically creating a good “Web Page” where customers will be able to find all of their products and also pay online and order online. In addition orders will not be taken by hand anymore but online orders will be the main method used to order networking products.
Another way to reach its customers will be by improving their telephone system, moving from analog to digital phones or IP Telephony will improve their services to customers.
What can Johnson do to stand out from other businesses?
The implementation of a good “Customer Service Center” where all problems that customers run into can be easily and smoothly solved without hassle to the customer. Transforming communication requirements into networking solution, Reducing sales cycle timeline, more satisfied customers will also be a good advertising for the Company
What communication methods can Johnson use to meet the needs of existing customers?
Most important of all, the creation of a Web Site, nowadays most of things get done through the internet, so a good internet site will be great help for customers who want to look at your products. The method of paying for the products could also be updated and improved, the need for a secure website to make secure credit card payments online or also over the phone. Customer service representatives well trained and ready to provide a good service through the phone lines. The implantation of a networking system that will speed up the velocity of you Company for selling example : a server.
Which communication solution do you recommended for Johnson to keep customers informed of news and updates? * Advertising its services though the World Wide Web * By sending emails to its customers keeping them informed of their new products as well as their price discounted products. * Normal