
Isaac Newton Research Paper

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Isaac Newton: A Great Philosopher Isaac Newton is one of the many scientists who have made science and this world what it is today. Newton has contributed to modern science in more ways than one. Many consider Isaac the greatest philosopher of all time. There is no doubt that Newton deserves to be recognized as the founder of modern science. He’s story is truly one that will be known and remembered for many years to come.

Isaac Newton was born in Woolsthorpe, England during the late winter in the year of 1642. Newton lived a very normal childhood for the children of that time (Anderson 26). Isaac was considered to be among the higher known people in the town and was actually the one in waiting to become the next king. But
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Newton’s most known contribution to science is the Principia. The Principia is considered possibly the most important document in the history of science (Weisburd 6). The name Principia is actually short for the name Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in Latin which means Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. With the Principia, Newton created a mathematical framework for physics and conceived basic laws of motion and of universal gravitation that unify a diverse array of phenomena both in the heavens and on earth (Weisburd 51). The revolutionary power of the Principia and other Newtonian works is felt to this day: His celestial mechanics guide the paths of satellites and spacecraft, his reflecting telescope is enabling astronomers to study recently discovered supernovas, his numerical methods are used in computers and his mathematics and approach to solving many physical problems remain as vital today as in his time (Weisburd 53). Newton is also given the credit for the creation of calculus, as well as the concept of transformations, the discovering that white light is a combination of all colors of the spectrum, and lastly the idea of uniformity (Anderson …show more content…

Newton was interested in many things. He was interested in optics, alchemy, religion, theology, chronology, and science itself. The one that Newton found the most interesting and had the most fun doing was alchemy (John 17). It has been said that nearly one half of Isaac Newton’s life was spent doing alchemy. Newton enjoyed it so much that he soon taught at Trinity College

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