History is full of tales of religious radicals using something that should otherwise be seen as beautiful and turning it into a catalyst for revolution so they can make the change they wish upon the world. Hitler did it but his ultimate goal was for his followers to see him as a divine leader and no other was higher than him and of course you can look back to the leader of ancient Persia, Xerxses the Great, and see another time when a leader thought himself to be divine and ruled by fear. Well, in the case of radical Islam there is no defined leader other than Allah so you see splits in the beliefs of how the objectives should be carried out and also what the set objectives actually are. These are minute splits but the major objectives are almost universal. The spreading of Islam, convert or die, and moving towards a pure Islamic state seem to be the doctrine preached by radical leaders who recruit young Islamic boys to carry out the tasks to achieve these lofty objectives. Spreading Islam by any means necessary could range anywhere from threats of action, to a suicide bomber blowing
Cited: Davis, Paul K. Deterrence & Influence in Counterterrorism: A Component in the War on Al Qaeda. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Publishing, 2002. Print Piszkiewicz, Dennis. Terrorism’s War with America: A History, Westport, Conn: Greenwood Publishers, 2003. Print Sargent, Lyman. Contemporary Political Ideologies: A comparative Analysis: Wadsworth Publishing. Print