Question 1: What are the main causes of radicalization of Islamic youths in today’s world? Explain how inspiration and opportunity help create actual terror attacks.
In his book, Sageman breaks down radicalization of the youth into 4 categories: Moral outrage, war with Islam, resonance with personal experiences and mobilized by networks.
In the moral outrage section, Sageman explains that youth is motivated by three areas: suffering, humiliation and media. When referring to suffering, he states that when youth is exposed to something that hurts them like their own people suffering, it leads them to outrage. They don’t know how to control the outrage and that leads them to pain. Humiliation when committed by friends it could lead to anger and anger brings out right and wrong and that leads to violence. Some terrorist don’t act on the humiliation of one’s self but the humiliation of their brothers or Islam as a whole. The final section media explains how the access of media has pushed youth to a new level of hatred and pain because they expose them to what they feel is necessary. A bond between a victim and a witness can cause pain and anger leading to the violence on the perpetrator.
The second section war with Islam refers to the youth referring to themselves as warriors. These “warriors” generate beliefs often from cultural templates in society and aren’t aware of the reasons for the actions they are taking. Their outrage is put into a centered hatred and that common hatred is around Americanism and the war that they believe is against Islam. Resonance with personal experiences refers to their constant need to be accepted by their peers and how they consistently have the need to compare themselves to their peers. When they fall short it leads to resentment which leads to misinterpretation that is a form of discrimination towards moral violation against Muslims. He continues to explain that the influence of the