Why did I use such a broad category like entertainment? Because I would miss all forms of entertainment. Music, television, and social media play an important role in my life. Music and television are undoubtedly my weaknesses. As I go to sleep, I listen to music; during my preparation for a new day; I have music playing; my car rides are always filled with some genre of music. Then after a long day of school, I come home and walk straight to my television with a purpose, as Mrs. Deidre Hester would describe it. My educational responsibilities are quickly disregarded as soon as I find a program to watch. If there is nothing entertaining showing, do I begin on my school work? No. I find other activities to engage in, whether it be social media surfing, or eating. Therefore, no entertainment is equal to boredom I my opinion. Being trapped on an island with none whatsoever can be good and bad. The bad part is the possibility of boring my life away, and the good thing is that it gives me the opportunity to focus and meditate on
Why did I use such a broad category like entertainment? Because I would miss all forms of entertainment. Music, television, and social media play an important role in my life. Music and television are undoubtedly my weaknesses. As I go to sleep, I listen to music; during my preparation for a new day; I have music playing; my car rides are always filled with some genre of music. Then after a long day of school, I come home and walk straight to my television with a purpose, as Mrs. Deidre Hester would describe it. My educational responsibilities are quickly disregarded as soon as I find a program to watch. If there is nothing entertaining showing, do I begin on my school work? No. I find other activities to engage in, whether it be social media surfing, or eating. Therefore, no entertainment is equal to boredom I my opinion. Being trapped on an island with none whatsoever can be good and bad. The bad part is the possibility of boring my life away, and the good thing is that it gives me the opportunity to focus and meditate on