2. Hosea and Gomer marriage imitates the relationship between God and Israel for the reason of disloyalty. In addition to Hosea obtaining an adulteress wife, Israel’s unfaithfulness to God is comparable. Although Gomer is unfaithful to her husband Hosea still Perseus her. …show more content…
Due unfaithfulness Israel is displaying towards God allows the understanding of the sin idol worshiping. Although Israel is God’s people they have abandoned God by seeking obsessions that temporary fulfill their desires.
4. God is displeased with Israel behavior which is leading to punishment on the once great nation. In addition, if Israel refuses to dismiss their wicked traditions God’s judgment will be unleashed on the Nation. Furthermore, the Land shale be stripped of its abundant living as well as prosperity.
5. Due to God’s mercy the hope of redemption is probable for Israel. Although Israel has abandon their teaching, God’s compassion allows forgiveness to take place. However, Israel must repent from there wicked sin in order to restore their nation. Furthermore, perhaps failing to leave their sin behind can cause Israel to not reach the expectations of God’s will.
6. Correspondingly God’s Covenant with Abraham and David indicate there is hope for the Israelites. In order for Israel to bare the fruit of God’s Covenant they must return to the house of David which includes seeking the lord. However if Failing to turn from their wicked sin Israel will not partake in the covenant between God and