On March 7, 2011 The Star, we know that our Malaysia government had decided to recruit more foreign workers from India which around 45,000 people from India. This is to meet the demand by around 13 sectors which currently in shortage of workforce. So, this resulted in many people and The Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) had strongly opposed the decisions made by government. The Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) is said as the most representative workers’ organization in Malaysia. Three main objectives emphasized by MTUC: first is to promote the interest of its affiliate unions in order to improve the workers’ economic and social conditions. Second is to ensure the policies are developed and action been taken towards make sure that full employment and setting a minimum wage, a legal maximum working period per week which is 44 hours and served as a training centres for workers. Thirdly, build a Social Security measures that provide retirements benefits, as well as protection against sickness, unemployment, injury, and old age. Overall, MTUC was served to protecting the workers interest or fight for them.
According to Nagiah Ramasamy (2008), our Malaysia trade union movement is facing many challenges, which are from neoliberal policies and the changing structures of employment. Due to the strict requirements of the Trade Union Act 1959, Malaysia union are normally small fragmented and regional. But, they still protest the decision of recruiting more foreign workers from India which might harm our local workers benefit. Some local workers are too picky on job selection and they don’t want to work unless there is high salary, benefit or bonus waiting for them. So, attitude towards the job is their main problem. So, the employers forced to retrenched the local workers and recruiting the foreign workers by outsourcing or others way. The objectives of this assignment are to figure out the problems facing by Trade Unions in Malaysia on migrant and
References: A. Navamukundan. (n.d.) Labour migration in Malaysia –trade union views. Daniel Lee and Richard Ho. (2011). Labour Shortage Issues Forum. Retrieved November 11, 2011, from www.seri.com.my: http://www.seri.com.my/v3/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=169:labour-shortage-issues-forum&catid=38:latestnews&Itemid=54 Evelyn S. Devadason and Chan Wai Meng. (n.d.). A Critical Appraisal of Policies and Laws Regulating Migrant Workers in Malaysia. Ken CK. (2002).Male foreign migrant workers and HIV/AIDS in Malaysia: risk environment, susceptability and implication for intervention. Retrieved November 3, 2011, from NLM Gateway: http://gateway.nlm.nih.gov/MeetingAbstracts/ma?f=102259889.html Nagiah Ramasamy. (n.d) The Future of the Trade Union Movement in Malaysia. Tenaganita. (n.d.) Outsourcing in Labor or Trafficking in Migrant Labor?