One of the controversial we have is race and crime. The opposing side thinks that pulling over people because of their race is not the reason why there being pulled over. They deny the charges because they don't think they stop them because of their race. However, I believe that all the criminals being arrested and being stopped is because of their race. This issue became controversial in 1999. In 1968 the Supreme Court rules Terry v. Ohio that police are allowed to use so called " stop and frisk " searches, so long as they have reasonable suspicion of crime or weapon possession. They stopped it so it can stop being criticized as a form of racial profiling. ( " Key..." #3 ). 29 states have passed laws concerning the use of racial profiling by police. 14 states that ban racial profiling of motorists but not of pedestrians. 8.9% of drivers stopped in 2005 who were white. 8.1% drivers were stopped were black and 8.9% were
Hispanic. ( " By..." #2 ). In February 2007, the New York City Police Department(NYPD) released data showing the racial breakdown of " stop and frisk " procedures. in early 2007, New
York Police Department Commissioner Raymond hired the research institute the RAND Corp. to study the department of the stop and frisk policy for indications of racial bias. The stop and frisk searches have been done for decades. In Massachusetts, a law passed in 2000 required police officers to record the race and gender of the person there stopping. Of the shooting of an unarmed black man, Amadou Diallo, in 1999, then New York State Attorney General Eliot
Spitzer ordered a report on the use of stop and frisk searches by police. Percentage who received a verbal warning, 18.6% were Whites, 13.7% were Blacks and 14.5% Hispanic. ("Update..."
The critics believe that the U.S have long complained that they are treated different by the police than the whites do.