Diagram 1:For smoking student
The pie chart above shows the percentage of smokers between the genders among Labuan Matriculation College(LMC) students.Based on the pie chart, the highest smoker between genders is that male students with a percentage of 71%.While,smoker among female students was 29%,which is less than male students smoker in LMC.
3.01 Result and discussion for question 1
Diagram 2:For not smoking student.
The pie chart above shows the percentage of students who do not smoke between gender in Labuan Matriculation College(LMC).Based on pie chart,available percent of male students who do not smoke are 61% and it was higher than the percentage of female students who do not smoke as much as 39%
3.02 Result and discussions for question 2.
Diagram 3: No of cigarettes stick that the student smoke per day.
The pie chart above shows the amount of cigarettes that are taken by students who smoke in a day.Based on the pie chart,the little amount of cigarettes taken by students who smoke in a day is the 4-6 sticks with the percentage 11.76%.Further,students who smoke cigarettes 1-3 and 7-10 cigarettes a day is by 29.41%.The most abundant amount of cigarettes taken by students who smoked in a day was more than 10 sticks of cigarettes with a share of 29.42%.
3.03 Result and discussions for question 3.
Diagram 4: Ammount of student spent per month to buy cigarettes.
The pie chart above shows the total expenses of students who smoke to buy cigarettes in a month.Much as 29.41% of the students who spend RM10-RM30 and RM40-RM60 to buy cigarettes in a month,and the percent was also the highest percentage to the amount of money spent by a students to buy cigarettes in a month time period. After that ,23.53% of students spend