Executive Summary Of Part-D
This part of the project is to fulfill the requirements in the Software Requirement Specifications document. This part is accomplished with the help of the MS-Access and MS-Visio. We the team members of the GROUP-6 have divided the task, and completed their respective parts. In this part, first of all we have drawn the ER diagram of our information system i.e. Restaurant Management Information System. Here all the entities and attributes are clearly mentioned which helps in the better understanding of the project. Then the various Database tables in MS-Access are shown with the help of the snapshots. A brief description of each database is done. Also the attributes in each database are mentioned. The Queries generated in the MS-Access are shown, and a brief decription is provided. This queries helps the managers to take their decisions to allocate resources accordingly and thus maximizing the efficiency of the system with lowering on the costs and maximizing the system.
Then the different forms implemented in the system are shown . At the last, various reports have been shown, which are of real concern to the top management of the company. Reports are the basis on which operational and tactical decision on vaious levels in the organization are taken.
In the above ER diagram, the various Entities are: * Employee * Customer * Menu * Inventory * Order details * Purchase
The different attributes related to them are also shown. These attributes provide a better understanding of the design part needed in MS-Access.
Tables are the most important part of MS-Acess part as being the input which will result into the output. In this system we had used several tables , the screenshots of which had been given below.
Below given are the different databases used in the project. A brief description of the databases is also