In Change Request 2, Huffman Trucking had Team B to create the entities and attributes for a brand new maintenance database. And also our team has been asked to create these tables for the items it asked for. Our team used Microsoft Access, which is a database tool. First through access we created the tables we needed for the entities, then we gathered the tables with the attributes . An example of a table is called “Maintenance Work Orders”, and in that table there would be attributes like “Part ID” or “Vehicle”. In this table we know exactly of what’s on there like the Work Order number, vehicle, part ID, and etc.
Test Data and Entity-Relationship Diagrams In Change Request 3 we were to link the tables and to create tables for the Fleet Truck Maintenance database with ten records of test data. By putting these ten records of test data, the database can be tested to see if possible “bugs” or if anything is missing in the data system. Another thing we used in the testing and development of this database is use of an entity relationship . Entity Relationship Diagrams are a major data modeling tool and will help organize the data in your project into entities and define the relationships between the entities. This process has proved to enable the analyst to produce a good