Appendix B
IT/260 Database Design Document
Gift Shop Inventory
Date Modified: 7-28-2010
Part 1: Introduction (due Week Two)
a) Application Summary
I selected the Gift Shop Inventory application.
b) Database Software
I will use SQL 2008 Express Edition. This software closely resembles the software I use at work. I am familiar with the flexibility of this software. I am very comfortable in using SQL 2008. SQL is also one of the industry standard RDMS.
c) Database Design Elements Prior to designing my database, I will have a clear understanding of the data. This will allow me to determine the purpose of the database. Once all information is gathered, I will divide this information into tables. Information will be properly placed into columns and I will set a primary key. Upon completion of table design, I will set the relationships between tables. I will refine my design and apply normalization rules to my design. Part 2: Database Design (due Week Three)
a) Entities and Attributes
Entities for this database application will include a Customer, Products, Orders, Sales Rep and Shipping table. The attributes for the following tables are as follows:
Customers -Name, Address, City,State, Zip,Phone, Fax,Email Products - Product description, cost, amount in stock Orders - Order date, quantity purchased, price, tax, total amount, date shipped Shipping Information- ship date, ship method Sales Rep- Rep Name, rep ID
b) Normalization
|Customer Table |Orders |Product |Shipping |Sales_Rep |
| |Table |Table |Table | |
|Cust_Num |Order_Num |Prod_Num |ShipID |RepID |
|Last_Name |Cust_Num