As a developer I was involved in collecting the requirements from business end user, according understood the business needs and involved in designing the universe for sales department ,As a first step we understand the structure of the universe and depending upon the fact tables n dimension tables created classes ,objects ,defined joins ,cardinalities ,created derived tables, custom Hierarchies .
To improve the performance of the reports at universe level: * Generate LOV for required objects. * use aggregate tables in universe design. * Use pre defined conditions and formulas. * check context (if there resolve it) * check loops (if there resolve it through alias table)
Involved in resolving the join path …show more content…
now you click display button first source system lov will display and you select any one based on that selection the source location lov will display. this is cascading promp
CRYSTAL REPORTS * Using crystal reports Created subreports and pass date parameters to sub reports and use them in the selection criteria * Used various functions to develop crystal reports * Worked on rolling dates and how to subtract one datetime field from another and displaydays hours,minutes and seconds.Here I used date function syntax: [DateDiff(intervaltype,StartDateTime,EndDateTime]
(passed data parameters like @start date and @enddate, These formulas are required because you cannot create a subreport link based on a parameter field. You must then edit the selection criteria for the main report to include the data range. Go to the menu options Report|Edit Selection Formula|Record and enter/include the following record selection criteria {table.datefield} >= {@startdate} and {table.datefield} <= {@enddate}
Set up the Sub