Page 1 of 3: Analytical Result
A. Header Information
1. After "Project No:", enter the client's project number (from cover page 1). This number is required on every page of the report. 2. After "METHOD", enter the analytical method used. (e.g., EPA 8260, or EPA method 8021).
3. After "REPORTING UNIT", enter the appropriate reporting unit. The units ug/L for water samples and ug/Kg for soil samples are recommended for volatile analyses. The units mg/L and mg/Kg are recommended for TPH/semi-volatile analyses.
4. After "DATE ANALYZED", enter the date on which the sample is analyzed.
5. After "DATE EXTRACTED", enter the date on which the sample is extracted with solvent. If no solvent is used (e.g., purge and trap without organic solvent extraction), enter "N/A" (Not Applicable).
6. After "LAB SAMPLE I.D.", enter the I.D. number the laboratory assigned to each sample.
7. After "CLIENT SAMPLE I.D.", enter the I.D. number the client used when the sample was collected.
8. After "EXTRACTION SOLVENT", enter the type of solvent used for extraction before purge and trap or injection into instrument.
9. After "EXTRACTION METHOD", enter EPA Method used for extraction. (e.g., EPA 3550). For VOC sample which is extracted with methanol, enter the method used. (e.g., EPA 5030 for EPA 8021, EPA 8260 for the GC/MS methods.)
10. After "DILUTION FACTOR", enter the dilution factor for each sample. If a sample is not diluted (e.g., direct purge and trap of water sample), enter "1" as dilution factor.
11. If more than one page is needed, complete the header information for all samples analyzed on the subsequent pages. The method blank does not need to be repeated on each subsequent page. If more than one method blank is analyzed, report each method blank with the samples to which it