Moreover, external sources of motivation that students engage in the learning process are influenced by the attitudes of a number of people that form part of the environment. Firstly, the “goal:” my goal was directed towards understanding the Greek Language, so that when I do teach Cypriot students I am able to describe and translate English into the Greek language when needed. In order to achieve my goal, I made the effort to do all homework assignments, attend all lessons, and participate, and involve myself in all lessons. My self determination was directed towards successfully completing the course by writing the final exam, and receiving my certificate.
Besides being faced with young learners who may not have any set goals for learning English they may acquire their motivation and attitudes from parents or other sources outside the classroom. In addition, English is taught as a second language in schools in”the society I live in”. This has been a very important factor for the children to learn the English language to a high degree, so that in the future they can study at a good university in the UK. This trend is influenced by the society in a positive image. Moreover, “the people around them” play an important role and influence their attitudes and ambitions. Such as their parent’s attitude is that they want to give their children the best possible education for their future career development. These attitudes