In 1815, Italy had just emerged from Napoleonic rule and was completely divided into nine separate states; with different rulers and different cultures. By 1848, these states had progressed towards, albeit merely to a limited extent, some kind of national unity – national unity meaning the feeling of being united and together as one country. It could be argued that the lack of success in the reception of Giuseppe Mazzini’s ideas was the most substantial reason explaining this slow progress; though some would say that it was mostly down to factors such as the power and influence of Austria, poor communication within Italy, or its weak military. Through analysing the evidence, it would appear that the main reason for the slow progress of national unity within this time frame was poor communication.…
1) nationalism: Germany had just recently been united w/ astria-hungary left out. Italy was recently united as well (not in it's present form though).…
As nationalism and its ideas began the journey across Europe, it started to unite people into nation states. One of the prime examples of this unity is Germany. Before Germany was united as a whole in 1871, the nation was separated into Germanic states and Prussia. Determined to unite them into Germany because of their ethnicity, Wilhelm hired Otto Von Bismarck, who was just the guy to bring everyone together. Bismarck had used carefully thought out tactics to unite the Germanic states. They needed Prussia in order to become a powerful Germany. Prussia .could no longer carry alone the power Germany required for its security [Bismarck, Document 5]. Finally getting Prussia after the Franco-Prussian War, Germany was then united as a proud and powerful Germanic nation. The French were also united through Nationalism. After realizing their…
Though some wanted to stick to tradition, there were some important and influential people who encouraged the unification. Giuseppe Mazzini, attorney, believed that Italy deserved to be a nation and it was about time all the parts of the monarchy to be part of one big republic in unification. Along with Mazzini, Carlo Cattaneo, philosopher and political activist, also believed in the unification of this monarchy would be a right step for Italy. He said that even though it would mix them, it won’t take their culture and traditions off the grid like they believed, but instead, they would all be appreciated and remembered. Vincenzo Gioberti, a priest of Piedmont stated that the unification would actually make the kings stronger without damaging their own independence.…
The Congress of Vienna, held after Napoleon's exile to Elba, aimed to sort out problems in Europe. Delegates from Britain, Austria, Prussia and Russia (the winning allies) decided upon a new Europe that left both Germany and Italy as divided states. Strong nationalist elements led to the re-unification of Italy in 1861 and Germany in 1871. The settlement at the end of the Franco-Prussian war left France angry at the loss of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany and keen to regain their lost territory. Large areas of both Austria-Hungary and Serbia were home to differing nationalist groups, all of who wanted freedom from the states in which they lived.…
The undisputed two most renown leaders of the civil rights movement, Malcom x and Martin Luther king could not be further apart in there ways to achieve equality. One of the most controversial topics in the historical movement was the question of integration vs segregation which left both iconic leaders opposed in what should have been a united forward thinking ideological movement. It is argued that, Martin Luther king offered a more beneficial program of civil rights as opposed to Malcolm x. In order to define “beneficial” or to set a benchmark to determine which of the two leaders policies were best the following criteria is set:…
After the Congress of Vienna Italy consisted of six separate states. Controversy over whether or not Italy should be unified stirred up during the mid to late 1800’s. The unification of the Italian states was an ongoing debate for quite some time. During the years of the debates people found the unification to be positive change, a negative change, and some had different opinions for their own certain reasons.…
Italian Unification- unification movement in Italy shifted to Sardinia-Piedmont under King Victor Emmanuel, Count Cavour, and Garibaldi.…
The unification of both Germany and Italy brought great change in these countries. This process resulted in these countries to focus on for their independence, economic growth, and a strong nationalism. Also, there is another role of the unification and it is an occurrence of war, separation and controlling politics. War is a natural force which leads to unite some nations as wells as divide others. In the unification process, it is essential to have a confident and courageous leader. Bismarck was a leader in Germany while Cavour was a leader in Italy. Bismarck’s ideas were based on the pure survival. He insisted to work hard in a forceful way thought it might be brutal, to unify the Germany and therefore he was recognized as “Bloddy Iron”. The leadership of Italy was primarily based on the political issues.…
The independent state of Italy emerged from a long nationalist struggle for unification that started with the revolution of 1848. The southern kingdoms of Sardinia and Sicily joined in 1866 and by 1914 only the Vatican and San Marino retained independence within Italy. However, a large Italian population remained within Austria-Hungary in the Trentino and Trieste regions. By 1911 Italy had a population of 34.7 million. Although primarily an agricultural economy, there was considerable industry in the northern areas of the country. To feed its growing population, Italy needed to import some foods, notably grain from Russia and Germany.…
Certain motivating political and economic factors enabled Germany to gain its unification in the late nineteenth century. Its economic prosperity from the zollverein, technological advances, and political moves in terms of actions allowed it to ultimately acquire a solid unification by 1871.…
During the 20th century, many different views arose concerning the unification of a previously divided Europe. Opinions varied depending on the individuals country and heritage, but largely because unification could improve conditions in some countries, while jeopardizing the conditions in others. Those in favor of a unified Europe usually had something to gain from it, while those who were against it had something to lose.…
Nationalism was a key factor in building nations. Throughout the years Italians were growing impatient and dissatisfied under foreign rule. Count Cavour was responsible for the brains behind the unification of Italy. He believed that releasing the Italians from foreign rule would not only leave the country authoritative and superb but also supply the people with intelligence and knowledge (Doc. 3). Italian Nationalists looked up to the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia because of their power over the Italian states. In 1848, the kingdom had adopted a liberal constitution. So to the middle class liberals, unification under Piedmont Sardinia was appealing. Giuseppe Garibaldi, the leader of army of nationalists, captured Sicily. After marching across the Italian mainland their was an agreement to let the Sardinian king rule. Like Italy, Germany achieved national unity around the same time. The Austrian Empire took over the German confederation; however, Prussia was prepared to unify them. Prussia had a mainly German empire. Therefore, nationalism truly unified Prussia. When Bismarck took control, he was a master of realpolitik. Bismarck’s method for uniting Germany was through blood and iron (Doc 5). He believed that the power of Germany should be allocated over all German People. In his eyes, war was the only option to achieving success.…
Nazi Germany’s obvious political and military ally in Europe was Italy. The Italians had been governed by a fascist regime under Benito Mussolini since 1925. Italian fascism was very much the elder brother of Nazism, a fact Hitler himself acknowledged. Yet for all their ideological similarities, the relationship between Hitler and Mussolini was bumpy and complex. The alignment of their two countries was consequently not as firm as many anticipated. By the late 1930s Germany and Italy had become military allies – however their priorities were still with their own national interests, rather than supporting the interests or ambitions of another country. The union between Nazi Germany and fascist Italy became a marriage of convenience and expedience, rather than a firm alliance of sister states.…
The theme explored in this section is America in the World. The annexation of the Philippines produced a far more controversial debate than the annexation of Puerto Rico, due to the fact that the Philippines was much farther from the U.S. than Puerto Rico, and seemed much more ominous to Americans. To take control of this territory seemed too aggressive, beyond the limits of what was acceptable for the U.S., for many Americans. President McKinley believed there were no alternatives to annexation, as he viewed Filipinos incapable of self-government. To return the territory to Spain, from his perspective, would be cowardly. The Treaty of Paris formally ended the war with Spain, that confirmed the armistice regarding Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam,…