The company has also set their mission as to deliver Internet for All as part of our commitment to building a connected Malaysia - enabling access to Mobile Internet services and applications by offering customers the right combination of devices and value pricing, as well as the best usage experience (Digi, Unknown). MIS helps this goal of Digi by allowing new hardware such as fibre optics and copper wires to be used not only by the company itself but also as a service that could be offered to the public, many internet connections are now using fibre optics as the medium because of its speed. The company’s MIS could help monitor these connections and the usage of each customer, so the company can better recommend a package to the consumer.
Through MSI, companies can generate essential documents such as employee evaluations, financial reports, and other relevant business reports (unknown, unknown). Most listed companies publish their quarterly and annual financial reports on their website which is accessible to the public, this is not only in line with their obligations to publish such reports as a listed company but also to inform the public on the company’s financial wellbeing thus